Page 34 of Game of Revenge
There was a knock at the door. Alejandro entered, accompanied by another man. He was a man around his sixties, tan, tall and skinny, with very nicely combed gray hair. He was carrying a medical case with him.
“Amelia, this is Doctor Rodriguez,” explained Alejandro. “He has been taking care of you since the accident.”
“Nice to finally meet you,” said the doctor in a slight Spanish accent, shaking my hand.
Calling it just an accident was pretty audacious, I thought, but one look from Alejandro’s face told me perhaps this wasn’t a good time to discuss what happened.
The doctor examined me, took my heart rate, my temperature, and my blood pressure, and then asked me a few questions about my memory.
“It would seem you are okay,” he said. “You suffered a mild concussion, so if you feel unwell, please let me know. It will be normal for you to feel tired, so please try to not become stressed, and do not engage in any aggressive exercise. You will have to take this medication for pain and inflammation for the next week or so, and I want to see you again in a week. If anything changes, please call me.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
When he was done, Doctor Rodriguez left the room, and Alejandro left with him. Did this doctor know that I was kidnapped? I wondered what Alejandro must have told him and the hospital, as he didn’t seem very concerned about my safety. Who could blame him? To an outsider, I likely looked very well taken care of.
A few minutes later, Alejandro came back. He walked all the way to my side, his hands in his pockets, while he searched my face with that concerned look in his eyes again.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.”
I turned my head to look outside through the bay windows. If I got lost in his eyes for too long, I would forget about my doubt, my concerns.
Alejandro seemed out of words. He was standing there, wearing a pair of jeans and a blue polo shirt. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His face was unshaven, and his hair was curlier than usual.
As I started to get up, Alejandro quickly closed the distance between us and grabbed my hands.
“Careful,” he said.
“I know.” I found so much comfort in his touch that I didn’t want to let go.
I managed to stand up with his help. I felt a little dizzy and held onto him for a little while. Alejandro seemed concerned about me and my safety. It didn’t seem possible that he would have sent Juan to harm me.
“Why are you being so thoughtful?” I didn’t mean to ask the question so brusquely.
“I’m not a beast, you know.”
He sounded hurt. I lifted my head to look at him. Alejandro had a slight shadow on his face. I resisted the urge to touch his cheek and made an effort to stand by myself as I gently pushed his hands away. Alejandro accepted but remained close.
“Did you send Juan to hurt me?”
“What? Hurt you? What are you talking about?”
I searched his eyes, confused. Was he telling the truth? Did he really not know? He seemed honestly concerned, but I didn’t know if I could trust him.
“He came into my room.”
“I sent him to bring you to me. I did not send him to hurt you.”
“He tried to kill me or…something else,” I insisted.
Alejandro shook his head, frowning. “Amelia, you must be confused.”
“I think I can tell the difference between someone who is trying to take me somewhere and someone who is trying to kill me, don’t you think?!” I shouted.
“Juan works here. I can’t imagine him trying to harm you. He has no reason to.”