Page 51 of Game of Revenge
I didn’t say anything but was quite aware that he was studying me for a few seconds longer, then he turned his gaze from me to the phone in his hand, a frown on his face.
Alejandro called Marcos and shared the information, asking Marcos to call him back as soon as possible.
“You look awful,” I told him once he hung up. “You need to sleep.”
“You certainly know how to charm a man.”
“I am not trying to charm you, Alejandro.”
I sighed but relaxed when I saw his mocking smile, reassuring me.
Alejandro protested, but the state of his body and the narcotic medication were winning this battle. I removed the pillows and arranged them to make him comfortable. Alejandro was fast asleep within five minutes.
I got up to take a good look at him. I was admiring his long eyelashes, his straight nose, his sensual lips, that jaw that flared with frustration at me so many times, those crazy curls he didn’t bother to tame anymore, that strong neck, and those shoulders I enjoyed the strength of. I tenderly slid my fingers through his hair and gently kissed his forehead.
Catching myself in the act, I decided to bring the dirty plates to the kitchen and quickly wash them. I made sure all the exit doors on the first floor were locked. I got myself some more water and went back to Alejandro. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to check his temperature every hour. I felt like if I closed my eyes, something bad would happen to him. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he died.
This stranger had somehow filled a hole in me, a hole I thought had disappeared some time ago. The idea that he would cease to be alive wasn’t something I could even contemplate. And that was a new reality I needed to deal with.
I grabbed a blanket from the closet. The temperatures were a bit cooler here by the beach. The sound of the waves was calming me down, and since it was late in the night, I knew the sun would rise in only a few hours. I wrapped myself in one of the blankets and sat on a chair next to him, the rise and fall of his chest settling me.
I spent the rest of the night falling asleep for a few minutes, waking up confused, my back and neck hurting, with a slight headache. I checked on Alejandro, made sure his bandage looked good and that he didn’t look uncomfortable. I would wipe his forehead when it seemed a bit wet.
I realized that I was covered in blood, so I went to the bathroom and washed my white shirt the best I could. Now it just looked like it had gotten discolored in the washer. I spot-cleaned my jeans to try to get rid of more blood stains. I almost cried when I found a toothbrush and a hairbrush in Alejandro’s bathroom.
Reality started sinking in when I saw my face in the mirror, dirty with blood and dried tear drops creating lines on my cheeks. I found some soap and quickly washed my face, trying to take away the memory of the warm blood of that man all over me. I washed my hands, cleaned under my nails, and scrubbed my arms the best I could.
I was in dire need of a shower, but I didn’t have the time or the energy for that. I had never in my life gotten ready so fast. The doctor had told me to watch for fever because it could indicate infection, and that would complicate things. All I wanted to do was keep taking his temperature and never leave his side.
Alejandro woke up in pain, so I gave him more medicine. He had asked me to sleep by his side, so I got onto the bed next to him and kept my hand in his until he fell asleep again. I intended to lie there for only five minutes, but I ended up falling asleep as well.
Chapter 22
It was around seven a.m. when I woke up suddenly. I cursed myself for falling asleep. I must have slept for forty minutes. I got up, admiring the sun shining through the window. I was about to go to it to let some fresh air in when I noticed Alejandro moving a lot. I rushed to his side in a second. He looked troubled.
My breathing quickly accelerated, but I wasn’t going to let my emotions get in the way. I quickly got a small towel, dampened it with the coldest water, and wiped Alejandro’s head. He was mumbling something. When I got closer, I heard him saying my name. I grabbed the phone and called Doctor Rodriguez.
“Doctor, he’s burning up, I gave him the medicine, but he’s still hot! I am applying cold compresses, but it’s not helping.”
“You have to go get him the medicine I prescribed, Amelia. He probably has an infection. We have to get the fever under control.”
“I am going to the pharmacy at Casa del Carmen, it’s the closest one, from what Alejandro told me. Can you make sure I can get the prescription for him there?”
“Yes, and if you need me when you get there, call me.”
I changed his bandage, disinfected the wound as indicated by Doctor Rodriguez, and put on a new bandage. I forced him to swallow some water, but he was still delirious. I could not understand what he was saying. There was no time to waste.
I grabbed one of his jackets, money from his wallet, the car keys, and the phone. I wrote a note in case he woke up looking for me. I ran to the car and started driving. Thankfully, the phone GPS was working, so I managed to find directions to Casa del Carmen. I ran into the store with the prescription information. I had to compose myself. The last thing I needed was to seem panicked or scared and have someone call the cops.
The supermarket was gigantic, but after asking a few people, I finally got to the pharmacy window. The pharmacist ended up being a little suspicious based on the medication I was buying, so I called Doctor Rodriguez, who then called the pharmacy directly. The man—short with a thick figure—seemed distrustful of strangers. He was staring at me with a frown on his face. I tried to give him my best smile, but he was not biting.
“Ahora regreso,” he said after he hung up.
He went to the back for an eternity. I felt relieved when I saw him return with the medication.
I grabbed additional alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, and everything I needed to heal the wound. Thankfully, it all totaled an amount that Alejandro had in cash, as I was afraid to use the credit cards.
Once done, I ran back to the car and drove as quickly and safely as I could—although my shaking hands made it quite difficult—and got back to the house in record time. I parked the car and ran up the stairs two by two. When I opened Alejandro’s bedroom door, I saw a woman standing next to him, kissing him. She got startled when I entered the room, eyes shooting fire.