Page 61 of Game of Revenge
I sighed. Of course, there was no scenario in which he would just walk away and let me be.
“I want to be alone!”
Alejandro knocked again. “I said open the door!”
He knocked again, violently, when I refused to listen.
“Godamnit, Amelia, if you don’t open this door, I will break it!”
He sounded so angry I thought twice about whether I wanted to open the door. When he pounded on it again, I could have sworn the room shook. Worried that he might hurt himself and start bleeding again, I wiped my eyes and opened the door.
Alejandro just stood there, breathing heavily, his eyes wide with anger and his jaw clenched. He almost looked like he was going to kill me, so I took two steps back.
“Are you okay?” It wasn’t the reprimand I was expecting, his eyes searching mine anxiously.
“I’m fine,” I said, walking away. I feared that if I let him get any closer, I would start crying again.
“We have to talk,” he said, closing the door behind him.
“No, we don’t.” I walked back to where I was sitting, grabbing the bottle of tequila.
Alejandro slowly sat on the bed.
“I’m sorry,” he started. “I can’t imagine how it feels to find out that your stepfather is not who you thought.”
“That’s the thing,” I said dryly, “I should have known.”
“What do you mean?”
“I should have known the minute I got kidnapped that I’d be doomed. I should have known he wouldn’t bother.”
“I see now that your kidnapping was a pointless move. Clearly Richard doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” I said sourly, facing him, my cold brown eyes cautiously scrutinizing him. “What’s your plan now that you know I am completely useless to you? Kill me? Get rid of me? Sell me to the highest bidder?” I asked, hands in fists, a dry mocking tone showing resentment, a sour smile on my lips.
“Amelia,” he said, getting up. “If you would let me explain—”
“Explain what?” I cut him off. “You are all the same, and I somehow always end up a tool in your little fucking games!”
“I am not the one who took you!” he yelled, grabbing my arm to force me to face him.
“You really expect me to believe you?” I laughed.
Alejandro let go of me so suddenly I struggled to remain standing. He walked away, hands on his hips, as he started pacing.
Chapter 27
This was it. I needed to tell her everything. I had tried my best to shelter her from the truth this whole time. I held out as long as I could. I could feel her slipping through my fingers by the second, and that wasn’t an option. It was obvious she had been drinking. I couldn’t blame her after the news I had dropped on her earlier, so I ignored the signs and continued to explain.
“Richard, your stepfather…he killed my brother.”
Her beautiful face was contorted and pale, the new information sobering her up.