Page 65 of Game of Revenge
I felt my throat close up a bit, tears threatening to roll down my face. He had gone to great lengths to protect me.
“Since you were taken, Mathias has been negotiating the ransom with Richard. It took us a bit to realize that he was stalling us. He cried on live television for you, Amelia, but eventually, he told us to go fuck ourselves. Right after that, we got attacked in my house.”
“How did they know where we were if they don’t know you are involved in this?”
“Our best guess is that Juan or Karina told the cop. That cop you saw…he worked on the robbery case. It’s now clear that he really works for Richard, and that’s why we couldn’t put a case against him for murder. Juan or Karina must have told him where you were. That might also explain why Juan attacked you before. Richard doesn’t know my real name, so he might just think I am one of Mathias’s men or that the hacienda is his property.”
Alejandro put his hand on my shoulder.
“We think Richard sent the cop to kill you with the intent to frame Mathias for your murder. He’d pass this off as a failed rescue by Mexican law enforcement and would, of course, keep the diamonds.”
I closed my eyes, trying to process it all.
“He’s always liked to play the role of the amazing father who does what it takes for his poor, unfortunate stepdaughter,” I said as I got off the bed. “He has to show the world that he tried to rescue me. But if I die, he gets to be the mourning father that everyone in California feels bad for and admires for doing his best to save me. And he gets to keep the diamonds. At this point, I serve him more dead than alive.”
“Something like that.”
My heart was broken as I felt my stepfather’s treason in my core. I found a certain twisted comfort in getting confirmation that Richard had never felt an ounce of affection for me.
I sat back on the bed again and put my face in my hands to try to hide the tears. Alejandro sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I pushed him away, but he did not move, holding me and pulling me closer. As my head laid on his chest, I let the tears flow down.
“I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you, growing up alone, with this poor excuse of a man, pretending. I’m sorry no parent was there to protect you, love you, care for you,” he spoke in my ear, his voice deep.
I felt his every word, forcing me to look inward and taking comfort in his presence, his strength, his arms around me.
“I’m sorry about your brother.”
“I know.”
I got up and walked toward the window, wiping my tears, deciding that I would not shed one more for Richard.
“So, what now?” I asked, searching his eyes for answers.
“I don’t know. It’s pretty clear now to Mathias that using you is not the path to get those diamonds. And if Richard doesn’t have them in his home, there is no way for us to get them. Mathias is a dangerous but loyal man, and he knows about what happened in my house. He is looking for Juan and Karina, who might have some information about the diamonds, but that’s not very likely. The cop died, and the rest of the men either escaped or are dead as well. We have to come up with a plan.”
Alejandro stayed silent for a few minutes, giving me some time to process. I was still confused, in shock and overwhelmed, but a soft fire was now growing inside of me. I was free of the guilt of having feelings for someone I thought was a criminal. Alejandro, just like me, was a victim of the circumstances. Another victim of my stepfather.
“But now,” he said, slowly getting up and walking toward me, “now you know the truth. You know that I never meant for you to be involved in this. I had to play the game, but only to keep you safe.”
“Yes,” I said, looking out.
I felt relieved; I couldn’t deny it. Relieved that Alejandro was a good man, caught in an impossible situation.
If what he said was true, he hadn’t kidnapped me, and had saved my life at least twice. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, thank him, tell him I would rather die than let something happen to him, but I stopped myself. I didn’t want his pity, and I didn’t want to allow myself to feel all the emotions he raised in me.
There was something else. I knew where those diamonds were.
If I was right, that bag I had seen was the same one Alejandro was looking for. I knew the code to the safe that they clearly did not know about, and I had seen Richard put the diamonds in. The best part was that Richard had no idea that I knew the code, let alone that I saw him move the bag to that safe. He didn’t even know I knew of that one, as he had only opened the other two in front of me knowingly, but only sharing the code for one.
I had to decide if I wanted to trust Alejandro with that information, and I had to do it fast. I wanted to help him, take the pain away, make Richard pay for what he had done, and allow Alejandro to move on, but that required me trusting him fully and putting my last card on the table.
“Do you think Richard will continue to try to kill me?”
“For as long as we try to use you for ransom, I think he might try. Amelia, look at me,” he said, turning my chin so I could face him. “I swear on my life, I won't let anyone harm you. I am going to get you out of this.”
I knew in my heart, despite all my doubts, that he was telling the truth. He had saved my life before. For some reason, it was important to him that I be safe.
Chapter 30