Page 7 of Game of Revenge
Looking down at me were two dark eyes, angry and tired. Broad shoulders and thick, curly black hair framing a wide forehead, thick black brows, a straight nose, full sensual lips, a strong jaw, and a determined chin.
This man looked familiar. I had seen him before, but I didn’t know where from. Why was he trying to take me?
While still holding my wrists together, his hand pressing my bracelet against my skin, he used his left hand to pull a black tie out of his right jacket pocket.
When I realized what he was going to do, I started moving away, trying to get out from under him. But the weight of his body on top of mine kept me under his control no matter how hard I fought. He moved my arms down and tied my wrists together tightly behind my back with his tie, his chest hard and strong against mine. He then reached down under the right seat and pulled out a rope.
He momentarily lifted his body up so he could grab my legs and started tying them together too. I was still trying to free myself, aggressively moving to undo the knot he did with the tie, but he was too fast. He was now done with my legs and was grabbing my wrists again to make sure I had not done too much damage to his knot. He lifted me from the seat and put me on the ground of the car. Closing the door, he walked to the front of the car and sat in the driver’s seat.
“Now, we can do this one of two ways,” he said as he turned to capture my attention. “You can lie back down where I put you and make this easy for yourself, or you can continue what is obviously a pointless and stupid attempt to escape until I tire and hurt you. You choose.”
“Fuck you!” I screamed at him.
He did not flinch and continued to stare at me, a paralyzing intensity darkening his eyes even further. My hands turned cold. I was afraid, and I knew he was completely serious, and more importantly, he was right. He had a gun and could shoot me if he decided it was not worth the struggle. There was nothing I could do in the middle of nowhere. I had to accept defeat, at least temporarily.
I turned my head to stop facing him directly and reluctantly lay back down on the ground on my back.
“Good, you are not as stupid as you seem,” he mocked, looking at me with a satisfied smirk on his face.
I was fuming. I would make it my mission to remove that fucking smirk from his face.
It was clear he was associated with the kidnappers, but this was the first time I saw one of their faces fully. If I had to guess, this man was probably the person who showed up after I was taken to the house. It sounded like the same voice, with a very slight accent, and he had a similar physical build.
I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. It was important that I controlled my emotions and not show my fears to this stranger. While I didn’t know what he was capable of, the strength and intensity emanating from him gave me goosebumps and made a pit drop in my stomach. He scared me more than I cared to admit. I felt like I had run away from evil, only to fall in the hands of the devil himself.
Chapter 4
Where was he taking me? I wanted to ask him questions, but I did not think he would be in the mood to give me answers.
I turned my head slightly to the right to observe him. He was a tall, built man with golden skin, a bit darker than mine. I stared at his strong jaw for a minute, trying to decipher some emotion. I could tell he was furrowing his brows and was very focused on the mission at hand, getting to the next location as soon as possible.
I closed my eyes again. There was no point in torturing myself, trying to find answers to questions only he could answer but surely wouldn’t. The sun was still coming in full force, warming my body. The warmth provided some solace, distracting me from what had the potential to be the end of my life as I knew it.
We were no longer on a straight road, I gathered, since the car slowed down, and I could now feel bumps and curves. As I painfully lifted my body to peek out the window, I noticed we were driving on a very narrow street bordered by very tall trees behind which the sun was starting to hide. It felt like we were going up a hill.
A few minutes later, the car came to a halt.
“Don’t move,” he ordered as he turned around to look at me.
I did not answer and just stared at my kidnapper. He must have taken my silence as an agreement because he got out of the car. I could hear him chatting with another man.
“Llevatela al cuarto,” I heard him order.
They were about to put me in some room again, and panic started coursing through my veins. Before I could do anything, someone opened the door behind me and put a bag over my head.
I started fighting my aggressor as he dragged me out of the car. But I had to catch myself as he pulled me to my feet.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” threatened the voice of the man who drove us here.
I let out a whimper, unable to hide my fear any longer. I heard him sigh, he sounded a bit closer to me. I felt him untying the cord around my feet.
“Behave and nothing will happen to you,” he explained in a deep but calmer voice.
He was right. I had lost the battle today, and I could only hope my failed escape didn’t put me in a worse situation than I was in before. Someone grabbed my right arm.
"Ven,” said the person.
This time, I followed without a fight. It wasn’t worth it.