Page 80 of Game of Revenge
“I will be fine, I promise. There is no reason for him to be suspicious, and I will resist the urge to punch that asshole to death for what he tried to do to you.”
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” she whispered.
I wanted to reassure her, but I couldn’t. I was going to socialize with a criminal, after all, with the man who murdered my brother. I kissed her, but there wasn’t much I could do that would put her at ease. And I had to go. I had to try to do something, see what Richard was thinking, figure out a way to get those diamonds before Mathias lost his shit and tried to use Amelia again to get to Richard. I got up, showered, and started packing my luggage. Amelia just stayed there, in my bed, my sheets wrapped around her, watching my every move.
“I have to go,” I said as I bent to kiss her goodbye, “but I will be back in three days.”
She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me into a kiss. I held onto her as long as I could.
“Please be careful. Please. Come back to me. Come back alive,” she whispered.
I took her lips in mine one more time, her words strengthening my resolve even more. I needed to protect her, at all costs. I wanted revenge, but I wanted her more.
“I promise I will be. All I want, Amelia, is to get back to you, put this whole nightmare behind us, and focus on you and me.”
She let out a sigh, her body slightly shaking in my arms. God, all I wanted was to stay here with her, keep her safe. But I couldn’t do that without getting rid of both Richard and Mathias, and those diamonds were the key. I took her lips in mine one more time before I left the room.
Chapter 39
The idea that Richard could hurt him was unbearable, but until he had the diamonds, I feared Alejandro would get more and more desperate, and eventually, Richard would figure out that something was wrong.
Alejandro got ready at the speed of light. His every movement increased my anxiety until he left. Lost in thought, I took a quick shower and put my clothes back on. I then proceeded to the kitchen to look for Dolores, but instead, what I found was Elena by the entry door, luggage in her hands. I did my best to keep a stoic expression and hold back the shock and anger I felt, even as I felt my stomach drop.
“You are still here I see,” she said.
“What are you doing here?” I asked coldly, unwilling to waste my time on pleasantries.
“I am waiting for Alejandro. We are going to California,” she answered with a smile that made me want to smack her out of existence. “From the look on your face, you didn’t know we had plans,” she added, enjoying her victory, knowingly stabbing my heart with every word.
“He seems to have forgotten about you,” I said with a smile, in an attempt to save face. “He already left.”
“What?” Elena, disconcerted, fumbled through her purse until she found her phone. She placed a call, impatiently waiting for an answer.
“Alejandro,” she said, her perverse smile back. “Donde estas? No se suponía que íbamos a ir al aeropuerto juntos? Ya, ok, entiendo…es que no sabía que tenías que ir tan temprano. Ok, not a problem. I have the later flight, so I’ll see you at the hotel tonight,” she said, emphasizing her last words as she looked at me to make sure I heard and understood. I did.
“Just a misunderstanding,” she explained as she hung up. “My flight is later than I thought.”
“Or he’s trying to avoid you. He did tell me you guys used to date, you know. It seems like you need to learn how to move on.”
Elena laughed, but I could tell I had hit a nerve.
“I don’t know what he told you, but I have known Alejandro since we were children, and we were always in love. Sure, he experiments with girls like you every now and then, but he always comes back to me. I dated David, but I always wanted Alejandro. After all, I am the one by his side, and sooner or later, he will realize that he has to get rid of you. You are a liability for him and a temporary adventure,” she said, lifting her chin.
I struggled to keep my cool, the seed of doubt growing inside of me.
“What do you mean?”
“Alejandro tells me everything, sweetie. I know who you are.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I lied, my voice slightly shaken.
“You are the daughter of the man who killed his brother. How do you think Alejandro would ever be able to do more than amuse himself with you? How could he ever love you when the man who raised you murdered his brother in cold blood? That is all he thinks about when he is with you. Hurting you hurts Richard.”
I had to find every strength I had in me not to pass out. She knew everything. Alejandro had confided everything to Elena. I was at a loss for words. Elena’s words had erupted a volcano inside of me. I kept a cold face, but inside I was drowning, and Elena was standing there, that nauseating smile on her face, basking in her victory. I could only hide so much.
“Well, I see you are well informed.”