Page 94 of Game of Revenge
“What’s wrong? I can tell something is bothering you,” said Martha as she sat.
“Remember that job I told you about in New York? Well, it's still available for me. So, I plan…I still plan on moving there.”
Martha had a look of horror on her beautiful, long face. “But you just got back! From being kidnapped! You should stay here, let me take care of you, make sure you are okay!”
I gestured to Martha to lower her voice. “I am fine, Nana, I swear. And I won’t leave immediately, but I won't stay here either. I am going to go to an Airbnb tonight after that stupid dinner.”
“Why? It’s not safe!”
“Trust me, it is. It's safer than here.”
“I know you don’t like Mr. Richard, but…”
I took Martha’s hands in mine. “You know I hate him, Nana, and you know the only reason he keeps track of me is because he wants me to marry George—for his business.”
“I know, but it’s too soon for you to just...go!”
“Nana, it’s happening. I just wanted you to know.” I sighed. “And I will still see you, no matter what happens after today. Promise me you will always be there, Nana, no matter what. Know that I will always be there for you. And if, one day, you want to come to New York with me, you will be more than welcome. I know you said no last time—something about rude New Yorkers or whatever—but the offer still stands.” I blinked back my tears, my throat burning.
“Oh sweetie” she said, water in her eyes.
“You have been the only person in my life that has been there for me since day one, unconditionally, no matter what. I love you so much, and I am so thankful for everything you have done for me, all the sacrifices.”
I stopped as tears rose to my eyes again, making my voice shake.
“You’re making me cry!” squealed Martha, wiping her tears and hugging me tight. “Why are you saying all of this? It feels like you are saying goodbye to me, sweetie.”
“I just want you to know how much you mean to me, that’s all.”
Martha looked at me with suspicious eyes. She knew I was not being completely truthful, but she also knew all she could do was wait. I wouldn’t say anything else.
“What about George?”
“George? Well…” I said as I got up. “I will break up with him tonight, after the dinner.”
Martha looked shocked, but she couldn’t hide her relief. She never approved of George because she always knew my heart was not in it.
“What made you change your mind?”
“Well, let’s say I…I now know I would be miserable, and it’s also not fair to keep leading him on. He deserves to be happy, the same as I do.”
I felt like I was under a microscope.
“I am going to start getting ready for that dinner,” I announced as I cleared my throat, my cheeks slightly flushed, feeling foolish for being so transparent. Martha knew me too well.
“Okay, sweetie, okay. All I want is for you to be happy.” Martha got up and gave me a big warm hug before she headed to the door.
When she left, I proceeded to get ready. Just the idea that I was going to see Alejandro in only a few hours filled me with warmth and desire. I couldn’t help it. But it was followed by sadness and jealousy, knowing that I wouldn’t see him again. Even if it was for the best, it was tearing me apart.
One horrifying thought that I hadn’t considered before made my bones chill. What if Richard had moved the diamonds somewhere else, somewhere safer? What then? What if I now could never get to them? Would Mathias give me more time? Would he trust that I wasn’t suddenly lying or had a change of heart, that I didn’t tell Richard everything instead? Alejandro wouldn’t get his revenge, and who knew what Mathias would be capable of in that moment. I shuddered as I paced in my room.
There was no point in thinking about that. I would get there if that was the case and deal with it then.
I opted for an ivory, sleeveless jumper that curved around my breasts in a flattering way, with a low back. The legs were wide, making it look like a dress at times. I straightened my hair and curled the ends to add some volume and dimension. I took my time with my makeup, enjoying using my dear beauty products again.
I slid the ring on my finger. While I planned on giving it back to George at the end of the night, I didn't want any questions as to why I was not wearing it. I didn’t even think they knew I was wearing it when I was taken.
When Martha came to tell me George had arrived, I finished packing and asked her to discreetly put my luggage in my car for me so no one would notice. I put on my gold Louboutins, grabbed my small Chanel purse, and headed to the foyer.