Page 15 of Undercurrent
“No, same place. But I spent almost eight grand to get here. I just… ugh. I wanted to do something spectacular, you know? He won’t even go to an amusement park with me.”
Jason started smiling, an unusual gleam in his eyes.
“What?” I said gravely. “What’s that look?”
“Why don’t you?”
“Why don’t I what?”
“Do something spectacular? You don’t need him to have your own adventure. Look where you are! I’ve got an idea—how are you with heights?”
“Heights? Why?”
“Just tell me, are you afraid of them?”
“No, I’m okay with them, but—”
“Great!” he exclaimed. “Tomorrow, we’ll come back to the mainland. I want to take you somewhere I was going to see, anyway. I think you’ll like it.”
* * *
“I don’t know where we’re going. He just said to dress comfortably, but not to wear sandals or a bathing suit,” I said to Nikki for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Yeah, but why?” she whined.
“I don’t know! He said it would be an adventure.”
“Okay,” she replied, frustrated. “But are we talking a hike in the wilderness, or are we talking lions and tigers and bears?”
“Oh my god, I don’t know!”
Jason knocked on our already open door, poking his head in. “Am I interrupting?”
“She just won’t stop,” I growled, eyes wide to warn him.
“Jason! Jason, Jason. Where are we going?” she asked, stepping out of her room in a tank top and her sarong, this time tied at her hip.
“Someplace where you can’t wear a skirt.”
She scoffed. “Seriously? But I totally look great in this!”
“Yes, you do, but they won’t let you participate if you wear that. You have to wear shorts,” he said.
“I didn’t bring any,” she mumbled.
“You only brought skirts? Are you kidding?” I demanded.
“We’re on a tropical island, and I have a rocking body. Why would I hide it in shorts?”
“Just wear a pair of mine, alright? Bottom drawer.”
After she grabbed the first pair she saw in the drawer and stormed off to change, she called from her room, “Hey, Gems? Do you have some shoes I can borrow too?”
I rolled my eyes at Jason in a Can you believe her kind of way. He smiled in return. “Lucky for you, I over plan. Here,” I grunted, tossing her a spare pair of sneakers I had stashed in my suitcase.
I held up a rolled pair of socks at Jason, just as Nikki called again. “What about—” I threw the socks at her. “Oh. Thanks!”
Jason’s smile broke into an amused grin as he tried to hold back his laughter.