Page 27 of Undercurrent
“Fred, we leave in two days. It’s kind of pointless for you to be here now.”
“No, no. See, I booked a few extra days so we can really celebrate like you wanted. The reason I’ve been working so much of the time, it was to get a nest egg going for us. I wanted to make sure we were taken care of. Because, well, I want to take care of you,” he said, reaching into his pocket and kneeling on the dock.
No, I thought. Oh my god, no. I chanced a quick glance up to see Jason’s shock equaled mine as he stood motionless beside me, staring agape at the two of us. This can’t be happening. Not now! Fuck you, Murphy’s Law!
“I want to take care of you for the rest of our lives,” Fred said, opening a small box and holding it up for me to see. There was barely any light left as the storm clouds were nearly upon us, so all I could make out was that there was a small ring inside the box, and that if there was a stone on that ring, it did not reflect much.
“Fred, I—”
He took my left hand and placed the ring on my finger, not even waiting for my answer. The band was thin and cold on my skin. He stood and kissed me briefly, grinning from ear to ear. He suddenly noticed the statue of Jason next to us, and seemed put off. “You don’t have to gawk. Go on about your business.”
“Fred,” Jason said, confused, and a jolt of recognition shot through the man still gripping my left hand.
“Oh, Jason. I didn’t know that was you. It’s so dark—” Overhead, lightning struck, sending a crash of thunder through my bones. The rumble went deep into the earth, making the ground tremble underfoot. Fred jumped, clutching my hands tight. “Was that an explosion?” he yelled.
With as many storms as we’d witnessed in our short stay, I was already used to the earth-shattering thunder and sudden downpours that followed. “No, it’s just thunder,” I began to say, but already he had grabbed his bag and was dragging me toward my cabin.
“I should get you to safety,” he shouted as another thunderclap pierced the air. I could hear the smattering of rain on the ocean behind me, and knew that it was coming fast. “Nikki said your cabin was this way. Come on, follow me!”
As if I didn’t know how to get to the place I’d been staying for a week now. “Fred, wait!” I cried, but more thunder drowned out my voice, and the rain was starting to fall in earnest. Just before we reached the tree line, I turned back to see Jason staring after me, but I couldn’t read his expression. Frantically, I waved at him to follow. I was not going to let this strange turn of events sway me from my goal, from happiness.
Fred and I practically crashed through the door to my cabin, soaking with rainwater, followed swiftly by an equally drenched Jason. The lights flicked on as Nikki came out of her room with Siti close behind. Neither of them were naked, but it was clear that it was not far off.
“Oh, thank god,” she breathed, rushing to hug me. “Where the hell have you been?”
“I’m fine. I was with Jason; you know that.”
“But it’s after midnight! It’s not like you to be out all hours of the night.”
“So it took a long time to travel between there and here. Listen, now’s not the time—”
“We’re engaged!” shouted Fred, beaming like an idiot again.
“What?” cried Nikki, grabbing my left hand and examining the ring. I could see it clearly now. A thin gold band with a single small brown gemstone. Nikki’s face twisted in concern for a moment as she realized as I did—he’d gotten me something that had been advertised as a chocolate diamond. She and I had discussed many times our shared feelings for these gems: they were horrid.
“No, we’re not,” I said, looking directly at Fred, hoping to get his attention, but he was busy unpacking his suitcase.
Nikki heard my tone and nodded, beginning the retreat to her room until she spotted Jason in the doorway. Her brow furrowed, and they exchanged silent shrugs.
“Fred,” I said.
“This place is really nice,” he mused to himself. “You chose a good place to stay.” He laid out his blue plaid pajamas on the bed, and pulled a small travel toiletry kit from an inner pouch of his suitcase.
“It’s nothing compared to the suite I originally booked when I thought I was coming here as part of a couple,” I said pointedly, but he barely acknowledged me. “Fred,” I said a little more loudly.
“Gemma,” he sighed, “I’ve had a very long trip, so let’s just get ready for bed.”
“No, Fred! Stop what you’re doing and fucking listen to me!”
He reacted with a moment of fear at my outburst, but quickly recomposed his face into a mask of impatience. “What the hell has gotten into you?”
I took his toiletry bag and pointed to the couch. “Sit down.” He was confused, but did as I asked. I sat next to him, and took off the ring. “You asked me to marry you, but you didn’t wait for me to answer.”
“Is that all?” he laughed, looking relieved. He took the ring and got back on one knee. “Gemma, will you marry me?”
His face fell, blinking as though trying to wake up from a dream. “What?”