Page 31 of Undercurrent
“That’s a shame, because I am not doing that whole thing again just for you!” I joked.
“Yeah,” she said in a way that made me think that brownie packed more of a punch than anticipated. “Well, glad this finally happened,” she said, gesturing between us, “in spite of having to explodify your current relationships to do so. How long have I been nagging you about your feelings for each other?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Every chance you got from sophomore year on, whenever we crossed paths, I never heard the end of it.”
“It’s just sad to me that it apparently takes a decade for my advice to work on you. I’m sure you two would like to be alone, and I am going to ride out the storm with my beautiful and burly companion. Just a warning: I have no intention of keeping it down, so you don’t have a lot of time before it gets weird.”
I knew better than to ignore that warning, so I began to usher Jason to the door.
“Wait,” he said. “We don’t know if Fred’s still on your porch. If he sees us leave together in this downpour…”
“Same if you stay, though,” I add. Some low chuckling from the next room floated over the wall to us. “Take it from someone who lived with her through her horny college years, we do not want to stay in range much longer. I say we risk it out there.”
With a nod of agreement from him, I threw open the door and we ran out into the dark deluge. The rain fell in sheets, but at least it was warm. Together, we hurried to the narrow jungle path we’d made over the past few days, and slowed under the thick canopy where the rain fell in less of a torrent. Halfway through, I felt Jason’s hand take mine.
“I didn’t see him at all, did you?” he asked.
“No,” I shouted over the loud thok-thok of fat raindrops hitting thick palm fronds overhead. “I didn’t hear his voice, either, but I’m not sure we could have in this.”
We continued on and were at his resort in no time at all. At the door to his villa, he stopped me. “We’re soaked through,” he said with a quirky smile.
“Yeah? Here I thought my invisible raincoat was keeping me bone dry,” I replied, wringing out my hair on the porch. My sarong cover-up had become a translucent second skin on our trek, so anyone who caught a glance of me would not need to imagine my nude form. His turquoise linen shirt and off-white shorts had suffered a similar fate, though with far less intimate details revealed as mine.
“No, I mean that, while everything here is meant to withstand tropical island wear and tear, I’m not sure either of us are looking forward to sleeping in a bed that’s mildewing as we lie in it.”
“I assume you have towels.”
“I have an idea for before we use the towels.” With one eyebrow raised, he said all he needed to say to pique my interest. “Do you trust me?”
I nodded and took his hand once more. He guided me along the wraparound porch to the back of the building, similar to the one on Nikki’s and my villa that we just left. Here, though, when we reached the very back corner, there was a door Jason slipped his key into and opened. Behind the door was a walled-in courtyard similar to ours, except his was not only equipped with a shower and curtained daybed, but also with a private pool that glowed from below. One wall of the courtyard was entirely made of glass that looked into the villa, and appeared to be a stacked sliding door from end to end.
“How did I not see this last night?”
“There’s a room behind the bed, kind of like a gargantuan mud room. And we didn’t really leave the bed once we got in it, if you recall.”
The rain was lightening, and when I looked up, I saw that his courtyard had a screened roof to allow air and light in, but not bugs or debris. Rain could also pass through, as well, but at least we could be free of anything falling from the trees.
He led me in, made sure the door closed and locked behind us, and gave me a look filled with desire. Together, we pulled back the canopy curtains of the daybed and knelt on the mattress. It was certainly not as plush and fluffy as the one inside, but it was perfect nonetheless. Without any more words, I tore his wet clothes from him, and let them fall in a puddle on the stone slab floor. He struggled a bit with my sarong, the knot at the back of my neck becoming an indecipherable tangle, but eventually was able to peel the fabric from my skin. He did so much slower than I had, as if savoring the opening of a long awaited wrapped present, teasing out the moment second by second.
When we were both free of any stitch of clothing, I ran my hands over his chest, his shoulders, palms sliding easily over his rain-drenched flesh, pools of water gathering between my fingers. His fiery lips slid over my singing skin, over the rounds of my breasts, across my abdomen as he laid me down. My eyes closed, and I felt his strong hands caress up the length of my legs. He hesitated when he reached my hips, and for a moment, I wanted to feel him plunge into my depths. Instead, his mouth pressed against my belly, and his arms wrapped around my middle.
I rolled us over until I straddled him, and when I had him sitting up, he said, “I’m not letting anyone come between us again. Not Fred, not Annie, not even Nikki. There won’t be any room for doubt, either. I’m telling everyone that we’re together.”
I laughed and brushed his dripping wet hair back from his face. “Maybe wait until your divorce is finalized. I don’t know what kind of prenup you may have had, but something tells me that Annie won’t go down without a fight if she found out.”
“I don’t care. She can have my car, the house, as long as I’m free of her. I’m yours, Gemma. I should have said it all those years ago, but I’m saying it now. I’m yours.”
As delirious as it sounded, I felt the same. Maybe it was the rush of everything going to our heads, maybe it was being naked in a rainstorm with him so far away from everything familiar, or maybe it was true. In that moment, there was no way for us to know, and we didn’t care.
My body pressed to his, my knees clenched tight against his hips, I kissed him with my whole heart. I eagerly awaited the moment my body yearned for, but we remained upright, his hands cascading over my quivering flesh. One kiss placed on the nape of my neck renewed the flames in my belly. His lips massaged, his tongue danced, and my nerves buzzed with endorphins. I moaned in delight as his mouth traveled between my shoulder, throat, jaw, and back again. He squeezed both cheeks of my backside, and the pleasure of it shot through me like electricity.
Before I could settle onto him, his hand drew back over my hip and slipped between us. I gasped as his thumb grazed over my pearl, sending more shock waves through me, my body twitching with each one. With tiny circles and the occasional long stroke, he sent me careening through the swelling, surging tides of rhapsody. I gripped his shoulders tight, but each crest wracked me, my spine arched, head thrown back, hips writhing over him.
At last, he clutched my buttocks firmly with both hands, and I curled over him, my wet hair hanging in curtains around our faces. I kissed him in tiny, greedy pecks as he smiled up at me. “I like watching you twitch,” he sighed. “It’s irresistible.”
“I like the way you make me twitch,” I breathed.
“You want more?” he asked with a grin.