Page 40 of Burned By Fire
“Really?” she asks.
“Yes. You’re my best friend, my conscience, and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
She lets out a sob. “I’m scared.”
I rest my forehead against hers. “I’m here. We will work it out as we go along. I’m not going anywhere, and if life has taught me anything lately, it’s to prepare for the unknown.”
“Thank you. This is what I wanted to hear. I’ve never needed anyone as much as I need you now. It’s terrifying to think this little person is going to depend on us.”
“Don’t be afraid to lean on me. I want to be there for you. Let me look after you both. I love you and want you both more than anything. Do you love me?” I ask.
“I think I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you.”
“Then let me be there for you. Let me care for you and the baby,” I say, trying to strengthen the value of my words by repeating the meaning.
Her lips part from the shock of my declaration, but I don’t give her a chance to speak. I kiss her like I’m starving for her. “I love you,” I whisper in between hungry kisses. “I’ve got you, and we’ve got this.” She kisses me back with as much passion as I show her.
We cling to each other, letting the umbrella fall to the floor. I can’t ever let her go. She’s too important to me.
“We’re getting wet,” Ember says once we both come to our senses.
“The curtains on the street will be twitching, but I want the neighbors to know you’re my girl. If you’ll have me, I want the whole world to know it, Ember Burton.” She holds her breath. “Will you be my girlfriend?” I’m determined to make us official.
Relief washes over her face. “Yes.”
“You thought I was going to ask you to marry me, didn’t you?” I smile.
“No,” she lies.
“Come on. Let’s go inside.” I take her umbrella and shake it out.
“I wouldn’t have overreacted if you had proposed,” she protests, although I know her better than she thinks. She isn’t ready for me to say I’m all in.
“Oh, no? Should we look for one crib or two, then?” I ask.
“I’m only six weeks. We don’t have to buy anything yet.”
“How about we start small. Will you stay over tonight?”
“I’d like that.” She smiles shyly.
We go into the house, and I make sure she’s comfortable on the sofa before making her a drink. We look at baby things long into the night, and she falls asleep in my arms.