Page 45 of Burned By Fire
Friday, January 27th
Ember sits on the sofa, eating a bowl full of fruit. “I wish this baby would hurry up. My hips and back are killing me.”
“Maybe you should eat a spicy curry or something. I’m told that helps.”
She rubs her huge belly. “Once this little man comes out, I’m going to have to start hitting the gym hard to get my figure back. If I start eating curry, I’ll have more weight to lose.”
I lean over her and steal a grape as I kiss her lips. “I love you just the way you are.”
She grabs hold of my shirt to pull me in for another kiss. “And I love you too.”
“Can I get you anything else?” I ask, then put the grape in my mouth.
“No, but I’m going to have to get up to pee. These Braxton Hicks are strong today.” I help her up from the sofa, and she waddles toward the bathroom. I smile at the picture on the fireplace of us at Christmas. Next year, that picture will include our little boy, and I can’t wait for him to be born.
Ember waddles back over to the sofa, but before she makes it, her maternity trousers soak with liquid. “Sol,” she says. Her eyebrows are raised as I look at her face. “I think my water just broke.”
I jump up from my seat and race over to Ember. “Let me help you sit down. I’ll pass you the phone so you can call the OB/GYN doctor while I get your bag.” She moves over to the sofa with me supporting her but doesn’t sit down. Instead, she holds onto the arm while bending over. Her cell phone is on the kitchen counter, and I bring it over. She’s breathing heavily now.
“You’re going to have to make the call,” she pants, trying to take longer breaths of air.
“Okay.” I find the number and dial it before putting the phone on speaker.
“Hello, Ember,” Doctor Wentworth says. She’s been supporting us throughout the pregnancy and has Ember’s number stored.
“I think the baby’s coming,” she says.
I add, “Her waters have broken.”
“Okay. I’m already at Armstrong Hospital and I’ll get things ready for your arrival. We’ll see you on the maternity ward.”
“Thank you. Goodbye,” I say. The doctor repeats my word, and we hang up. Quickly, I retrieve the hospital bag and help Ember to the car.
“Oh, God. It feels like he’s coming now,” Ember says.
“Hold on.” I drive faster than I should and get to the hospital as quickly as I dare. I let Ember out at the entrance before finding a space. I don’t want to get on the wrong side of the security guard again. By the time I get inside, two nurses are helping Ember into the lift. I rush to catch up with them.
Doctor Wentworth greets us as we enter the ward and takes us to one of the bays. Another doctor examines Ember. “Your cervix is dilated seven centimeters. Doctor Wentworth will look after you while we monitor your pregnancy.” He fills in some paperwork, and Doctor Wentworth tells me a few of the basics about the room. Over the next few hours, she comes into check on us while I hold Ember’s hand.
“You’re doing great,” Doctor Wentworth says. “How are you coping with the pain?”
“I don’t want any drugs,” Ember says.
“Okay. You’re about nine centimeters dilated. We’re getting there.”
She leaves the room as my phone starts ringing. “Hello,” I say as I answer it.
“What happened to lunch?” Jackie asks through the speaker.
“We’re at the hospital,” I say.
“Is something wrong?” Her voice suddenly sounds panicked.
“The baby’s coming.”