Page 31 of Vanilla Martinis
“I’ve never ridden a horse, never mind entering a race,” Ainsley says to Christopher.
“You’ll have to come visit the stables at my family farm.”
“Can I?” Ainsley asks, turning to me.
A warm sensation fills my chest as a vision of what my future could look like comes to mind. I like that he’s discussing his interests with my sister. “Of course. If you want to, we could go up to the farm. There are some beautiful animals and views of the countryside.”
“Do you think I could be good at horse riding?” Ainsley has that curious look in her eye she sometimes gets when thinking of trying something new.
“Absolutely, and your gymnastic skills will probably help. Learning to balance on the horse will help you go faster.” Christopher has a devilish smirk like he’s looking forward to horse riding with her.
I leave them chatting while I get us some drinks, then I serve the food. The Yorkshire pudding mix is just the right kind of crispy and it melts in my mouth when I take a bite.
“Did you always want to be a farmer or was it your family that forced your hand?” Ainsley says.
“That was a little rude. You don’t have to answer that,” I say, giving my sister a stern look and an apologetic smile to Christopher.
“Don’t worry, she can ask me anything. I’ve always known I’d work for my family business, but honestly, I love it.”
“I hope I can find something I want to do too. My sister loves working at Sweet Cocktails, but I don’t want to follow in her footsteps.” She glances at her row of trophies on the windowsill.
“Sweet Cocktails is my reality, not my dream job.” If I’d had a normal upbringing without the responsibility of caring for my sister, maybe I’d have gone to university, but there’s no point in dwelling on the what-ifs.
“If you could have any career, what would it be?” Christopher asks me.
“Oh, that’s a hard question. I’d love to make a sophisticated cocktail or something.”
“Like a drinks taster for a big brand?”
“No. I’d like to help with the science behind the taste.” I’ve always liked creating unique cocktails for themed parties.
“You never know. One day it could happen.” Ainsley has a dreamy look in her eyes. I’m glad she hasn’t got the weight of the world on her shoulders like I did at her age. She doesn’t have to worry about me disappearing because I’d never do that to her.
I smile tightly. “You’re right. The future isn’t set in stone. Anything is possible.”
“I totally agree. I’d buy anything you made.” Christopher gives me a playful wink. Maybe I’ll make a whiskey too.
After the food, we watch TV and play Charades.
When it’s time for Christopher, to leave, Ainsley hugs him goodbye before I walk him to the door. What a great evening it’s been. I’ve loved how well they’ve gotten along.
“Thanks for a wonderful evening,” he says, leaning in for a kiss.
“Any time. I think you’ve even won my sister over.”
“The feeling’s mutual. You’re both great women.”
“Aw. Are you getting all mushy on me?”
“Maybe.” He gives me a beaming smile before kissing me again.
We step outside and I watch him climb into his car. My heart flutters with strong feelings for this gorgeous man.
We wave goodbye before he speeds off down the street.
I’m about to turn back into the house when I hear a rustle in a nearby bush. As I take a closer look, I see a man. “Mr Lightwood? Why are you hiding outside my house? Should I be calling the police?”
“There’s no need to do that,” he says, coming out into the open.