Page 36 of Vanilla Martinis
There’s a knock on the bedroom door. “Come in,” Ainsley shouts.
“Morning, ladies,” Christopher says.
“Morning, Christopher. I’m going to use your shower if that’s okay?” She grabs a towel from a pile of fresh laundry.
“What’s mine is yours.” He opens his arms up, gesturing to his things.
“Excellent.” She makes a kissy face behind his back before disappearing down the corridor.
“Hi,” I say.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Yes. Thank you.” He moves over and drops a gentle kiss on my lips.
“Have you thought about my offer of moving in here permanently?” My stomach flips. Holy hell, this feels real. He must see something in my face because he adds, “Now who’s commitment-phobic?”
Now I know how he felt when he admitted he wanted me to be his girlfriend. To let go of the stubborn part that I’ve worn as armour is hard. I look at Christopher. Really look at him. He has a strong jawline, beautiful eyes, and a genuine smile. Then I try to picture myself by his side; something I’ve never done with any other man. What’s weird is I can see it. Us standing together. Not as a barmaid and punter, but as a real couple. I want him to be mine and I’m ready to put my trust in him. “Okay. We would very much like to move in with you.”
He squeezes me tightly, kissing me firmly on the lips. “Excellent.”
Six whole weeks of bliss with Christopher has gone too fast. I slip out the back door to pick some fresh strawberries to go with my breakfast yogurt. I’m digging my new life, even if it’s only temporary.
A police report has been filed for my mum and social services have approved our living arrangements. The fire was reported as suspicious, and I told them about finding Mr Lightwood outside our house, not that I can prove anything. The police are looking into his background and trying to find some answers. Other than losing our stuff, we had a clean break. He can no longer come near us unless he wants to be questioned by police, and we have no ties to my mum. All she brought us was bad energy, and we don’t need that following us around. The only thing I need is a job. I loved being a barmaid, but I’m thinking of doing things differently. I want to be around for Ainsley at night. The fire gave us both a scare and the wake-up call to change things.
“Morning,” says Christopher’s grandpa.
“Morning,” I say, pulling off a few strawberries. As I look up, I see Christopher’s dad out on the field, and he waves. Warmth fills my stomach. I love this place and all the people inside.
“Do you have time to walk an old man around his horses?”
“Of course.” I wave to Christopher’s dad and slip the fruit into my pocket.
“Tell me about Sweet Cocktails.”
I scrunch up my face. “You were there. Janette fired me.”
“And why haven’t you found a new job?” His friendly smile tells me this isn’t an interrogation. Maybe he’s just curious.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a burden. I will find a new job. I’m not one to sack off. I just needed to make sure my sister was okay first.”
He clears his throat. “I knew you were hardworking the first time I met you, and Janette said so too. I’ve spoken to her and your old job is waiting for you if you want it.”
“Wow. Thank you. I can’t believe you sorted this out for me.” My eyes start to tear up, and I fight back the overwhelming gratitude I feel. It’s not just Christopher. I like being part of McNabb Farms… or dare I say, family.
We walk into the stables and the horses greet us with noise. “Janette is looking for someone to buy her share of the bar. If you want it, I’ll sponsor you.”
My jaw drops. “What? You can’t do that.”
“Why not? Christoper thought you had some good ideas. Sweet Cocktails could be good for you.”
I shake my head. “No. This is too much. I can’t let you do this.”
“Think of it as a loan. I’ll get my money back.”
We say hello to some of the horses, then I wander back towards the house. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d own part of Sweet Cocktails. It’s a lot to think about, and if I’m going to get sponsorship, I want it to be completely right.