Page 98 of Goodbye Note
“Want to catch the sunrise? The bus call isn’t until seven.”
“Where at?”
“There’s a trail right off the festival grounds. Looks like it’s a short hike to the rise over there. We can smoke a bowl and watch the sun come up.”
Arik turned his head, then checked his watch. “Let’s go. There might be some air up there, too. I feel like down in this fucking valley, it can’t reach us.”
“I bet you’re right. Too bad we didn’t head up there sooner.”
Arik sat up, pulling his Chucks on. “No shit. I could use some sleep.” It had been a while for him, and I was starting to worry. “Bring the blanket.”
“But we can’t fall asleep, or we’ll miss the bus.”
“They aren’t going to leave without two of the singers. Can you imagine?”
I laughed, shaking out the blanket before balling it up. I couldn’t bear for it to even be over my shoulder and sticking to my skin.
We found the trail easy enough and climbed the steep terrain. Sweat dripped off my chin. Arik stopped and peeled off his shirt, tucking it into his waistband. I swallowed back my lust. I’d only gotten off once since I’d jacked him off, and it was a hurried shower deal by myself. I’d been dying to get him alone again.
I’d be tenting my shorts soon if I wasn’t careful. I forced my gaze off him and focused on the trail. It took us more than an hour to get to the top, and light was already cresting the horizon. I spread out the blanket, but Arik didn’t sit. He walked closer to the edge, lacing his fingers behind his head.
The orange light glinted off his sweat-slicked body, painting his tanned skin in my favorite colors.
“I thought you were scared of heights?”
“It’s not so bad with my feet on the ground, but it makes my heart beat out of control.” He turned toward me, grabbing my hand to press to his chest. “See.”
I couldn’t help myself; I grabbed the back of his neck, finding his lips. I wanted to taste Arik. Take him apart. Make him come again.
His forehead came to rest against mine. He kissed me again before we broke apart and wordlessly sat, watching the sun peek over the horizon. Wind whistled through the trees and blew my hair around my head. Arik’s fingers trailed over mine, sliding between them.
“It feels so good up here.” Arik tipped his head back, elongating his body.
I leaned over to lick a bead of sweat from his neck.
Arik groaned, pressing into my tongue, fingers tightening on mine. I nudged my nose under his chin and nipped at his skin. Another strangled groan worked in his throat.
“Is that okay?” I asked.
“I want you to touch me… No, actually, I don’t think I’ll be able to stand it another second if you don’t.”
I went for broke and flipped over to straddle his lap. Before I could kiss him, his lips found my nipple, and my head fell back. He bit savagely, earning a hiss. I threaded my fingers through his hair while his mouth moved over the warm expanse of my chest. He was slow, reserved, and I let him take all the time in the world as long as he didn’t stop.
His fingers crept up my thighs, finding a home on my hips, and I lowered slowly to sit on his thighs, bringing us face to face.
I kissed him tentatively.
His smile was like heaven against my lips.
His hands crawled further up my sides, gripping my waist but freeing my hips. And I rocked my ass. He was hard. So fucking hard against my ass.
My entire body arched, tightening in a silent plea.
“We shouldn’t. Not here,” he said between kisses with no sign of stopping.
“No one’s around.” I rolled my hips, sliding our clothed dicks together.
His grip tightened, bruising fingertips into flesh, but he didn’t stop me. In fact, he pressed me into his lap, amping up the tension.