Page 23 of Bishop
“And he’s a felon, too, Evie,” a small voice in the back of my mind spoke up then. “Just like your dad. You can’t let him worm his way into your life. That kind of relationship never lasts. Just look how that worked out for your mother.”
Resolute in my decision, I called Bobby. She picked up on the third ring. Her voice was strong and clear sounding. “Hey, kid! How’s it going?”
“I’m good,” I fibbed, wanting to focus on my friend for the time being. “The real question is, how are you feeling?”
“Oh, you know. I have my good moments and my bad ones. Overall though, I can’t complain,” she said pragmatically.
“How’s the hip healing? Can I get you anything from the store?”
“I’m good and good,” Bobby responded jovially. “I wouldn’t mind meeting up for coffee sometime soon though. I’m starting to feel a little housebound. I’d welcome any outing that doesn’t involve PT or doctor’s appointments.”
She was right. The first few days at home were always the best. After that, I always got a little bored. “Name the time and place and I’ll be there.”
We settled on meeting up the following day at a breakfast joint named Sam’s, then moved on to other topics. When Bobby asked me how the prison job had gone, I was quick to gloss over the gritty details.
“What aren’t you telling me, kid?” Bobby pressed. I could practically see the firm set to her jaw as her words carried over the line.
I might not have wanted to get into it, but I wasn’t prepared to lie for the likes of John Becker. I came clean about what the guard had done, and how Bishop, inmate Wilmont to her, had found us.
Bobby didn’t sound shocked. I think my friend had lived quite a life in her sixty-five years, and very little surprised her anymore. “Oh child, that inmate Wilmont is a looker! The first day I met him, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I would have done to the man if I was just a decade or two closer in age!”
I burst out laughing. “Bobby!” I chastised good-naturedly. “Tell me you're joking?”
“Absolutely not,” the brash woman shot back. “Those eyes alone are worth it!”
“Speaking of good-looking men with nice eyes,” I said, changing tact. “What about Officer Garrity? He seemed really interested in how you were doing both times I visited Cantiville.”
This time it was Bobby’s turn to laugh. “So you met Peter?” she answered in a roundabout way.
“Yeah,” I returned with a smile in my voice. “He’s a looker, too. If you’re into sparkling blue eyes, beards, and charming personalities.”
“Sure,” Bobby hedged good-naturedly.
“Anything to report there?” I pressed, wanting her to spill the tea so badly I could practically feel it burning my tongue.
“Anything you want to share about prisoner Wilmont?” she shot back, her ability to sniff out the truth unparalleled.
“So coffee tomorrow at Sam’s?” I knew a stalemate when I heard one.
“Meet you at eight,” she returned cheerfully.
* * *
Church, our term for Club meetings, was being held soon. Seeing as though I had thirty minutes to kill, I decided to find my Brother Pipe. Because he wasn’t in his bedroom, I figured he must be hanging out in our Club rec room and headed downstairs.
I’d decided I was going to take him up on his offer to help me find out a little more about Evie. Namely, what she did with her free time. After last night, and my unanswered text this morning, I was going to have to do some real leg work to get this evasive woman’s attention.
It wasn’t like me to chase girls. They usually came quite willingly. But Evie was different. I couldn’t get her out of my head. I’d like to blame it on the strawberry cake, but the desire to get to know her, to taste her, was a more tempting prospect by far.
Walking into the kitchen to get some coffee, I saw that my Brother German was in there plowing one of the Club girls. Since we were all used to this behavior, I ignored him and walked over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see it was CiCi he had bent over the table. I should have felt annoyed, as Cici had been begging me to make her my Old Lady nonstop since she started hanging with the Devils. But I wasn’t. I was relieved. Maybe now that she’d moved on with German, she’d leave me alone and I wouldn’t have to deal with her being pissy about me and Evie once we went public.
Hell, it just might do German some good to shack up with the adventurous woman. I knew he had a thing for my sister. But Amelia only ever had eyes for Hawk. It couldn’t be easy for German to watch them being so happy together at every event. Maybe Cici would be a welcome distraction for the sullen biker.
My Brother blew his load and grunted one last time before pulling out of the bleached blonde. Doing up his pants, he gave me a head nod as he walked over to the trash. Stepping on the pedal, he dumped his used condom inside.