Page 56 of Malicious Desires
I want to sin with you.
Sinning sounds fun, What do you have in mind?
The ultimate sin.
I pocket my phone and start my car before driving home in haste, thinking about being with Reece completely.
Chapter 32
Despite my texting Reece hours ago–with my address–and the invitation of sex he hasn’t turned up and I can’t get in contact with him. I don’t know how to feel about that fact. Does he not want to be with me? Did something happen with his family? So many questions are running through my mind.
Considering his radio silence, it’s probably a stupid idea, but I can’t sit here any longer and wait for him so I rush out to my car and head to the pub. It’s the only place I can think of that he might be, tuning out the chaos of our shitty town.
Showing up at the pub I immediately want to leave. I’ve walked straight into something I shouldn’t be a part of. Reece is in the middle of a job, holding a guy around the throat with him pinned against the wall whilst he seethes in his face. I shouldn’t but I step closer to them. “Reece,” I say raspy. He turns his head to glare at me, his grip loosening on the guy he’s got pinned against the wall.
“Capullo, what the fuck are you doing here?” he seethes at me.
“You didn’t come over. I was worried.”
“I’m busy, dickhead.”
“Um, yeah, I’ll go…” I stammer, stepping away. Reece is staring at me, his hand shifting off his target. The guy whimpers, moving away from Reece.
Reece’s gaze bounces between us, and he huffs.
“Don’t you dare fucker!” he shouts at his hostage.
“What are you gonna do, arsehole?” the guy seethes at Reece. They’re staring each other down and it’s causing my heart to race. Time stands still, and all of a sudden and the guy pulls out a gun, literally from nowhere. He points it at Reece, and I swear my heart stops. This stranger is about to kill Reece–the guy I shouldn’t be in ‘love’ with–but honestly, I think I do love him. And that is just as scary to be facing as this scene playing out in front of me. I close my eyes, taking slow steps back until my back hits a car. My heart is still racing, and again jolts in my chest when a gunshot goes off, the sound near deafening but not as loud as my scream. It’s broad daylight, anyone could have seen this shootout. I don’t want to open my eyes, don’t want to know if Reece has been shot. If he’s dead my whole world will shatter. Life won’t be worth living without Reece in it.
I’m sobbing now, tears leaking out of my still tightly shut eyes when I feel a tight grip on my arm. I’m shoved aside by the car door behind me opening and flutter my eyes open to find Reece shoving me into his car. I go willingly, desperate to get away from this situation before someone is dead. Reece rushes around the bonnet, getting into the driver’s seat and we race off, heading to the Capullo side of the city.
“Reece…what…happened?” I stammer, glancing in the rear window to see cars spilling out of every street corner, following us.
“Job gone wrong, and now we’re being followed by Capullo gang members.” His tone is scathing when he says ‘Capullo’. It’s a warning, an accusatory one as though he’s implying it’s my fault.
“I didn’t do this, Reece.”
“Didn’t say you did, but it’s a little uncanny, Capullo,” he seethes, speeding up as the cars behind give chase. They sped up behind us, one colliding in warning with the back bumper. Reece speeds off more, and I glance into the side mirrors to see a passenger from the car directly behind us leaning out the window with his gun cocked. He shoots at the car, the bullet clanging against the metal. I sink down into my seat, petrified that the bullets he’s still firing towards Reece’s car are going to impact us and I’ll die beside Reece. That can’t happen, and if these guys giving chase are really on my side they’ll back off if we head down Mount Vemore Views Road. Every Capullo–or acquaintance of our family–knows anyone who heads down ‘our’ road, to the top of the hill is welcome. They’re no enemy.
Reece slows the car down a little, glancing over at me, laughing.
“You right, Jasp?”
“No, we’re being shot at, Reece.”
“Nothing I can do about it.”
“Yeah, there is,” I mumble. He gives me a confused look, quirking his eyebrow up.
“Care to share?”
I nod, sitting up in the seat a little. “Take the turn up ahead onto Mount Vemore Views road, and drive all the way to the end to the iron gates on the hill.”
“Where are you leading me to? Sounds like another cemetery.”