Page 9 of Malicious Desires
The moment after the stranger left the bathroom I snuck out completely on edge, glancing every which way hoping no one saw. I don’t even stop to speak to anyone, leaving the party to walk back to the dorms.
I’m barely a metre away from the commons when I hear footsteps behind me. Clanking footsteps that can only be made by platform sneakers. I only know of one person who wears that kind of stupid shoes.
My best friend Nancy. I slow my pace but don’t turn to look at her. She stops beside me, matching my steps, puffing. I stop dead and she bumps into me.
“Jasp, what are you doing walking out here in the dark?”
I can’t look at her. Looking at her will cause all the emotions tearing me up inside to pour out. I can’t hide my emotions, especially from Nancy. She’ll see right through me.
“Jasp, you’re scaring me,” she says exasperated. “Did something happen at the party?”
I shake my head, a sob escaping my lips as I turn to look at her, pulling her into a hug. Her voice is muffled into my shoulder, “Jasp, please tell me what’s wrong?”
Even though I want to continue hugging her for comfort, I pull back.
“I kissed someone at the party,” I admit, feeling my cheeks colouring.
Nancy’s eyes light up. “Your newly betrothed?”
Again I shake my head and start walking off again. Nancy follows me, her steps matching mine.
“No, it was a guy,” I confess, turning away from her gaze so she doesn’t see my cheeks heating, remembering his kiss.
“A guy? You kissed a guy?” Nancy questions, her tone intrigued.
“Yeah,” I respond, kicking the rocks underfoot. “Well, he kissed me.”
“And?” Nancy replies, her tone almost snide.
“And what, Nanc?”
“Was it a good kiss?” she probes for more. I ponder her question, reliving the kiss in my mind, trying not to groan at the memory of the pleasure I felt with his lips on mine.
“Amazing. I didn’t know kisses could feel like that.”
“Hmm, so who was this guy?”
I shrug. “I didn’t get his name. One of the dancer guys pulled him away and seemed angry at him.”
“Oh,” Nancy stammers, shocked and stopping dead as we walk into common grounds surrounding the dorms. “What did he look like?” she blurts out, adding, “The guy you kissed I mean.”
“Dark messy hair and covered in tattoos,” I answer, sighing when I add, “And mesmerising grey eyes.”
Nancy gasps. “You said the dancer knew him?”
“I’m guessing so, why do you ask?”
“It could only be one.”
I give her an incredulous puzzled look. “Who Nanc?”
“Reece,” she mumbles, surveying the ground instead of meeting my eyes.
“Montserrat?” I question flatly, hoping her answer is no.
But of course, I couldn’t be so lucky, as my best friend responds to explain, “Yes, the main dancer tonight was Malyk Exton. They’re best friends, Jasp.”