Page 24 of Haunted By Sin
“Jacob doesn’t interact with the general population.” Graham continued to stroke the back of her hand as he enjoyed the rest of his coffee. He made a valid point, but he also understood the different ways that Jacob could manipulate any given situation. “The guards in that section also don’t oversee the main part of the prison.”
“But those guards share break rooms,” Brook pointed out as she caught sight of a woman pressing both hands to her chest, similar to how Elizabeth had done earlier this evening. Both gestures had bothered Brook, though she couldn’t pinpoint the reason why. “All it takes is one of the guards to be contagious without realizing he is sick. He would then escort Jacob through the halls to the outside for his one hour of daylight, and then the transfer of droplets would be complete. I spoke to the two nurses myself, and they both say the strain of influenza making the rounds is severe. There is no reason to give Jacob an opportunity to escape when it could be fully avoided.”
“Agreed.” Graham followed her line of sight. “Do you know her?”
“No.” Brook frowned, unable to explain what was bothering her about the reactions of both women. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s always something,” Graham said with a laugh as he released her hand so that he could signal for the check. “While we wait, walk me through the case.”
“There’s actually nothing to say,” Brook admitted before taking the last sip of her coffee. She set the mug on the table before expanding on the lack of information. “We’ve hit a dead end. We’re going to need to start at the beginning.”
“Which is where you usually begin.” Graham reached into his suit jacket to pull out his wallet. “Why is this one different?”
“Mary Four.” Brook waved her hand when Graham arched his brow. “The team numbered the Mary Janes to keep the files separate. Anyway, you already know that Mary Four posted a video online, which was the reason the FBI contacted us. If the unsub is targeting women named Mary Jane Reynolds across the state of Michigan, it stands to reason that he has already started his surveillance on her daily routine.”
“That makes sense.” Graham paused long enough to hand his credit card to the server. “Why change avenues now?”
“Mary Four posted her video without reason. She hasn’t noticed anyone following her, no phone calls, and no new people in her life.” Brook studied the woman at the table, wondering what it was about her mannerisms and that of Elizabeth earlier this evening that garnered interest. “As far as we know, the victims didn’t know one another. Bit can’t find one connection to tie the three women together, either. We’re wasting manpower by basically giving all potential victims twenty-four-seven security.”
“If the unsub spends time monitoring his victims’ routines, wouldn’t the units posted outside the targets’ homes push out his timetable?” Graham’s question had been one that Brook had been mulling over for quite some time. “I suppose such efforts give you time to find him.”
Brook had witnessed such initiatives before, and such actions had driven the unsub to ground…never to be heard from again. Those killers had been forced to either change their signatures or discover another outlet to ease their thirst for sin.
She hadn’t stopped monitoring the woman, and when she rested her hand on her chest once more in a conspicuous fashion, it was enough incentive for Brook to reach for her phone. She quickly accessed the software program and pulled up previous online videos that Mary Four had posted to her social media accounts.
Brook rested her fingers on the display of her phone, pinching and zooming until the image expanded. Mary Four tended to rest her hand on her chest when she spoke to the camera. She had done so in their first meeting, but not because she was being dramatic.
“Mary Four is the target.” Brook hastily accessed her speed dial list. She continued to speak to Graham while attempting to get Theo on the other end of the line. “The unsub stabs his victims in the heart. Mary Three was the only one stabbed in the back, but his focus was still on her heart.”
“Shouldn’t you be enjoying a birthday celebration?” Theo said in greeting over what sounded like live music.
“Mary Four had some type of heart surgery,” Brook announced softly as the server appeared with Graham’s receipt. She stood and motioned that she would wait for him out in the lobby. “From the tint of the scar, I’m guessing maybe a year ago? I don’t know why such a surgery would trigger the unsub to want her dead, but Mary Four is his target. Touch base with Agent Tirelli and have him swap out the local uniform for a federal agent. I want someone by her side until further notice.”
“Seeing as Mary Four is sitting behind me at a table at the Crestlake Bar & Grill, I’ll make sure to remain nearby until arrangements are made,” Theo replied as the live music seemed to become even louder than before. “How could we have missed that in the background check? Or hell, even in her social media posts.”
“HIPAA changed the landscape years ago. Also, Mary Four didn’t post much over twelve or thirteen ago. It has only been in the past year that she started to post daily.” By the time Brook had answered Theo’s question, she had walked past the hostess stand and claimed a corner area for privacy. Even at this late hour, the restaurant was at full capacity. “We’ll need confirmation, of course. It’s difficult to make out in the videos, but there are times when the tip of her scar can be seen in the V of her blouse.”
“And the only thing the victims have in common is that the unsub targeted their hearts.” Theo must have shifted his position, because the bass level had diminished significantly. “It makes sense, especially since we know that Mary Two’s husband was at the clinic the night his wife was murdered. We assumed it was to ensure that she was alone, but what if the unsub was searching for proof that Mary Two had heart surgery? If I recall correctly, Mary Two was a patient of another family doctor, so her husband’s clinic wouldn’t have had any of her records. I’ll reach out to Bit and Sylvie. They can start compiling a list of those involved with the surgery, though given what we know, that won’t matter. The unsub has no idea which Mary Jane Reynolds had the surgery.”
If the unsub had been someone connected to Mary Four’s surgery, there would have been no reason for other deaths. Brook’s theory was missing something vital, but at least the investigation was once again moving forward.
“Have Sylvie contact the families of the three victims,” Brook advised as she spotted Graham making his way through the main dining room. His dark gaze met hers, but there was no judgment in his eyes. He understood her, just as she understood him. “We can subvert HIPAA with a warrant, but that could take additional time. I’d rather Bit not circumvent any firewalls, either. Sylvie can ascertain whether the victims had heart problems. There is a chance the surgery doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. See if she can find a connection through cardiologists, specialists, pharmacies, or even alternative medicine facilities. Once we have the warrant signed by a federal judge, Bit can then run a deeper search.”
“Copy that.”
“Oh, and Theo? Thanks for the push.”
Brook lowered her phone and disconnected the call, not bothering to listen for any reply. Theo would have understood the underlying meaning of her statement. Besides, she had gotten her point across—his advice had been impeccable. There was no need for further discussion when her time with Graham was limited to this evening.
“Are you heading back tonight?" Graham asked as he finally joined her.
Graham slowly smiled in response to her profound answer. She returned his smile and tilted her head in anticipation, accepting the warmth of his kiss. The soft brush of his lips over hers promised an unforgettable evening.
“I do believe I’m getting the hang of delegating tasks, General Elliott.”
Chapter Thirteen