Page 15 of Hell Yes
“Course,” Jessie replied.
“Sam will get his money but only if he works for us. And I want a full run up on him, I want his phone tracked. Any hint that he’s going to turn to the police, and he’s done. Got it?”
Jesse nodded. “Yes.”
“Understood,” Xander murmured and took another mouthful of food.
Gage got up and stalked off, leaving Xander and Jesse alone again.
Well, not alone. Wyatt and Jackson sauntered up to them and sat down.
“Heard you guys almost had a shootout in town. Like an old western,” Jackson smirked and tilted his cowboy hat.
Jesse rolled his eyes. “I wish. If I wasn’t concerned about witnesses, I would’ve gladly taken those guys out.”
“Me too,” Xander snorted. “Golan called me a ‘freak’, like ouch. Please. We’re fucking bikers. At least make your insult count.”
“Sounds like we got some Krypt ass to whoop,” Wyatt remarked. “Just tell me when and where.”
Jesse nodded. “You’ll be the first to know. The gun run you have comes first.”
“I also heard the hot waitress was there,” Jackson added. “Hmm, the curves on her are so fucking fine.”
“Hands off,” Jesse snapped, and the table grew silent. “What? We might have to bring her in and use her. Xander and I have already made contact so if anyone’s gonna get near her, it’ll be us.”
“A threesome? That’s hot as hell,” Xander remarked, stroking his jaw.
“Fuck off,” Jesse sighed and rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“I do,” Xander paused and looked at Jackson and Wyatt. “And Jesse’s right. Hands off. We saw her first.”
“Fine by me. I get plenty of tits and ass from the usual randos,” Jackson bragged.
“Speaking of, we having our party tomorrow night?” Wyatt asked.
“It’ll depend how this Krypt thing works out.”
Xander stood up. “Well, I gotta get back to my research. See what I can dig up.”
“I’m going to talk to Rochelle, see you guys later.”
Jesse left the table and headed for his cottage. Once he got his medical bag, he called for his dogs, and they made their way to Nate and Rochelle’s.
This time, Rochelle answered the door.
“You look better,” Jesse stated as he walked in the house.
“I’m feeling better. The fever broke. Now Nate’s the one who can’t get out of bed.”
“Oh shit.”
“That too,” Rochelle quipped.
“I’m going to do another quick check, and then I have some questions for you.”
“Val Renn.”