Page 27 of Hell Yes
Sonny hit the accelerator, hard, and peeled west, heading for the main road. Xander looked back and sure enough, he spotted the headlight of a bike in the distance.
“I see him, he’s gaining speed,” Xander murmured.
“Thank fuck for this V-8 engine. There’s no way can he catch up.”
“Where are the others?” Jesse asked.
“They headed back home. I offered to stay and wait it out in case you made contact.”
“That’s a risky move, Sonny,” Sage replied. “Avery better not hear about it.”
“She won’t,” Sonny bit out, then gave a rare smile. “And if she does, no worries. I know how to tame my fiery brat.”
Sonny drove fast and hard, dangerous considering the rough country roads, and all the twists and turns. Everyone in the SUV hung on tight.
Xander glanced back again but the bike was no longer in sight.
“Gage is the one you need to worry about. He’s gonna tear you a new asshole,” Sonny announced. “Going in there after Sage and Val like that. We were supposed to wait for their cue.”
“I told you, they jammed the cell service and as a result, the comms! We couldn’t just leave them like that!” Xander yelled.
“Calm the fuck down.”
“And we have no idea where Sam is at,” Jesse added.
“He’s with Dante, on their way home. He ran out with the other players. Thank fuck no one followed him, given that he headed across the road to where we were parked.”
“And he didn’t try to get Sage and Val out?” Jesse snapped. “What the hell?”
“Stop it,” Val interrupted. “Sam’s got himself in a bad situation and he’s doing his best. Do you think he wanted to be there tonight? I thought he was going to have a heart attack on the way over. Not all of us are used to mayhem and violence like you lot.”
The silence that followed Val’s outburst was sudden. But short lived.
“You’re pretty mouthy for a woman who claims to be so quiet,” Jesse snapped.
“You’re pretty stupid for a man who claims to be a criminal,” she snarked. “You walked into that gambling room tonight without a plan and no wonder the Krypt caught you. What the hell were you thinking?”
“We were thinking of saving your ass.” Xander turned to her. “And we did.”
“And nearly got us killed. If we hadn’t escaped from that shed, what would’ve happened?”
“But we did,” Jesse insisted. “And don’t worry. Next time, we’ll leave you to find your own way out.”
“Enough!” Sage shouted. “It’s been a long, stressful night. Let’s just accept the fact that things went ass up and be grateful we got out alive.”
Xander glanced at Jesse, who was sitting in the front seat beside Sonny. Tension was lined on every inch of his profile. Xander looked down and then realized Jesse’s hand was bleeding.
“Shit, you were cut from my knife. Wrap that up.”
“When I get home,” Jesse muttered and pulled his arm into his chest protectively.
“Now, you could?—”
“I’m a medic, I know! I said I’ll take care of it,” Jesse hissed.
The tension in the car was as thick as the fog that settled around them. It was nearing on four am and the first trickle of sunlight was peeking through the clouds. Xander couldn’t wait to get home to a hot shower, food, and a club meeting. No doubt, the Krypt would be coming after them given what happened tonight. And they’d have to prepare for an all-out war. Which meant, parties would have to be delayed. That sucked. Xander needed to fuck when he was stressed. And he was needing it now.
An hour later, they pulled into the Hellraiser’s compound, and were greeted by the man in charge. A furious looking Gage Hellion stood with his arms crossed and Xander knew that his ear were gonna be ringing for a week.