Page 32 of Hell Yes
“So what? You want me to swear a blood oath? You’re going to install a chip in my arm and track me for the rest of my life?”
Xander looked at Jesse, and Jesse looked at Val.
“Something like that.”
“You won’t have to. I can move again. Change my name. In fact, I’ll have to.”
“No one’s saying you have to go anywhere,” Jesse growled.
“Remember that letter I received? The founder knows where I am, and he doesn’t want me spilling his secrets, either. They’re coming for me and when they catch me?—”
“You don’t know—” Xander started.
“You don’t get it,” Val interrupted. “No one, in the history of that church, has left. No one. What I did is considered the ultimate sin and they want to punish me. If they come for me, I’m… I’m done.”
Val’s body began to shake, and she held her hand to her mouth, covering a scream that wanted to let loose. Jesse pulled her into his arms, and Xander was suddenly at her back. She should’ve yelled at them to go away but in that moment, finally having someone to lean after all these years, it was a tremendous relief. Unfortunately, their proximity calmed one of her fears but sparked new ones. Ones that were far more dangerous. Her shaking stopped but her heartbeat wouldn’t calm. She wanted to burrow into the warmth of their hard bodies. Val wanted to feel their skin against hers.
Oh, this was bad. So bad.
“I’m fine,” she whispered, suddenly realizing that she was holding on to Jesse.
She pulled her arms down and made to move back but neither Jesse, not Xander moved an inch. In fact, they stepped closer, until her breasts brushed Jesse’s chest and her back hit the solid mass of Xander’s. Both men were so strong.
Remember who they are.
It didn’t matter. What should have scared her, didn’t. Val felt like she belonged.
She couldn’t hardly believe it.
“Let’s get a move on.”
Dante’s sudden re-appearance startled her.
Jesse moved away, Xander too, and Val nearly stopped them. Then she realized she was being ridiculous. Not only her wanting them but them wanting her? A virgin? Please.
Xander put his hand on her back and gently guided her out of the kitchen. Jesse grabbed his jacket from the rack in the hallway but instead of taking it back, he offered it to her again. Without saying a word, she put the jacket on and let them lead her out of Dante’s house.
She stopped short when she caught sight of the two large dogs waiting on the porch.
“This is Madz and Ozzy, my best boys,” Jesse announced, then quickly spoke what sounded to Val like German. Both dogs rushed over and began to sniff at her legs.
“Can I pet them?”
“Now you can.”
She let them sniff her hand first, and then they licked it gently. Val petted their velvet ears.
“Beautiful dogs.”
“Guard dogs,” Jesse warned. “They might look cute now, but don’t be fooled. I give the command and they go to work.”
“And by work, you mean?”
Xander chuckled. “Trust me, you don’t want to find out.”
They headed down the steps, Jesse and Xander flanking her. The sun was bright today, no clouds.
Normally the sunshine would lift Val’s spirit, but given recent events, her mood was anything but light.