Page 34 of Hell Yes
He’d prefer to be with the rest of the guys and find out what’s going on, but he knew better than to disobey his president’s order. Especially after last night.
Jesse, Xander, and Val left the clubhouse and headed for the bunker. Jesse gave the dogs another command, this one, to be on alert.
By the time they made it to the wooden shack on the north end of the property, Jesse’s sixth sense started thrumming again. His phone vibrated.
Sonny: False alarm. But we’re checking the rest of the perimeter. Stay at the bunker and don’t move until we give the go.
Jesse: Got it
“Sonny said to stay put for now,” Jesse explained. “Seems like a false alarm but they’re checking the perimeter.”
They entered the plain looking shack and opened the latch in the floor to head downstairs. The coolness of the basement bunker was welcome, as was the knowledge that if there was Krypt crew out there trying to gain access to their property, at least Val was safe here. And why Jesse cared more about her safety, than his own, was scary as fuck.
Then he remembered they’d stuck Sam down here. He was in the room Sonny used for interrogations.
“Last one,” Jesse said to Xander, who was still curiously silent.
When they reached the end of the dimly lit hallway, Jesse stepped up to the door on the left and unlocked it.
This room, unlike Sonny’s work room, was fully stocked and liveable, with a sofa, a bed, a table, chairs, several laptops, and enough food and water to last months. Xander headed for the table and opened up a laptop, typing away. Several screens popped up, the cameras from their various property points.
“Nothing looks out of place,” Xander commented as he reviewed more footage. “I doubt we’ll have to stay here long.”
A sudden, loud noise had all three of them jumping. Jesse walked into the hallway, where the various tunnels started.
“No one else should be down here,” Xander murmured. “And Sonny’s room is soundproof. No way that came from there.”
Jesse pulled out his phone and began texting.
Jesse: Did one of the crew just arrive at the bunker?
Sonny: No
Jesse: We heard a noise, going to investigate. Get someone to check the perimeter.
Sonny: On the way
“The crew’s checking the perimeter outside. Stay here,” Jesse instructed Val and headed for the gun rack.
He grabbed a sawed-off shotgun, and Xander did the same.
“Val,” Jesse growled.
“I’m not staying here alone,” she insisted. “I’m going with you.”
Jesse let out another growl of frustration, but Xander grabbed his arm. “We don’t have time to argue. Let’s go.”
“Stay behind us,” Jesse instructed as they headed out of the room.
The hallway was dark and quiet. No noise, no movement, or shadows. Until Jesse heard the sound again, coming from tunnel two.
Slowly, they crept towards the door.
Jesse heard another sound, like footsteps. He held a hand up.
“Sounds like it’s coming from the other side of the entryway,” he whispered. “Stand flush with the walls.”