Page 50 of Hell Yes
Xander shook his head. “I see we’re back to that.”
Jesse gave Xander a middle finger and walked over to the pile of rubble that stood in their way. He wasn’t going to stand here and do nothing, sore arm be damned. He’d been hurt worse, once when he crashed his sled, and broke bones. This was no different. He bit back the pain and moved forward.
Until Xander came up behind him and grabbed hold of his ass. Jesse startled.
“Don’t push me with your snarky attitude,” Xander warned. “You know that turns me on.”
“What can I say? The thrill of the hunt gets my blood pumping hot and fast. Don’t tell me you’re any different.”
Jesse turned around and leaned in close, so close they shared one breath. “My pain is overriding my sex drive at this point. Now stop talking and start working.”
They began to remove the pieces of shattered concrete, one heavy chunk at a time, starting from the top of the pile.
“I’m gonna crawl up this mountain of debris to reach the top,” Xander announced.
“Careful, it’s not stable.”
Xander ignored Jesse and started to climb. Then he slowly started removing the debris, handing Jesse pieces that were too heavy to be thrown aside. But there was a lot of rubble. It’d probably take a couple of hours to clear it all away.
He fought back the urge to panic. It was only natural. But they had their crew on the other side, working to help them. It’s not like they were stuck in a well in the middle of nowhere.
Jesse heard faint voices and reasoned it was Sonny on the other side. When his earpiece crackled at the same time, relief flooded his body.
“It’s gonna take us a bit to get all this shit cleared,” Sonny explained. “You guys okay?”
“I was grazed by a bullet but I’m fine. Xander’s doing the heavy lifting.”
Xander worked methodically but quickly. Jesse was impressed and reached for the smaller pieces, and they began to finally see a bit of light at the top of the tunnel.
“As soon as we get an opening, I’ll pass you water.”
“Never mind that. Just work as fast as you can to get us the fuck out of here.”
Just then, Jesse heard another rumble overhead, and more pieces of the tunnel fell to the ground around them.
“Shit, Sonny, it’s getting worse!”
Then, there was no more time for talking. Pain or no pain, Jesse helped Xander clear as fast as they could.
Xander was right. Indestructible, my ass.
How much longer was it going to take them?
Val had been waiting at Jesse’s for three hours and every minute that ticked by felt like an eternity. She’d cleaned the kitchen and then grabbed one of the many books Jesse had lying around and read for a while.
But her mind was still reeling, thinking about what had happened between her and Jesse and Xander. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she’d ever want to have sex like that. And yet, she’d never felt more beautiful or desirable in her life.
The dull ache in her pussy began to throb and she decided a bath was in order. A long soak to ease the soreness. It hit her, as she was filling up the tub, that she’d been irresponsible. They didn’t use condoms and she wasn’t on any kind of birth control.
What if…
Suddenly, the image of her carrying Jesse’s baby, or Xander’s, was all too clear. And it didn’t frighten her the way it should have. That was just as shocking as the rest of it. She reminded herself that these were bikers, criminals, not ordinary folks. Despite that, Val felt no fear. Not like she did in Holy Sacrifice. There was always something sinister about the place where she grew up. Because most of the members pretended that they were following a holy life when in fact, as she found out, they were not. Her religious family was as sinful as anyone else. At least here, the crew were honest about who they were and what they did. There was no pretense. She could respect that.