Page 54 of Hell Yes
Gage sighed. “Vanier, if the crew are done loading up, get an ATV and get these three back to Jesse’s now. We’ve got half the crew on watch for the next while and unless the rest of Krypt is on their way, which I doubt, it’s time to rest up. Meeting at the clubhouse at 10 tomorrow.”
Jesse and Xander nodded. Val put her arm around Jesse’s waist as they walked out of the bunker, Xander on his other side.
Five minutes later, they were sitting in the ATV, headed back to Jesse’s.
Xander was exhausted, but so fucking relieved. Vanier dropped the three of them off and they stumbled into the house.
“First things first,” Jesse said as they entered the foyer. “I’m gonna hit the shower, clean off, and then we can deal with my arm.”
Jesse took off for the bathroom and Val followed, along with Xander.
“I think I can manage on my own,” Jesse announced.
Val shook her head and kept walking, stalking past Jesse, turning on the shower.
“We’re all going to get clean given that dusty tunnel and then Xander and I will get to work. Now stop talking. We’re wasting time and you’re losing blood,” She replied as she pointed to his shirtsleeve, which yes, was oozing blood.
Jesse looked at Xander and he didn’t hold back a smile. “She’s hot when she takes charge.”
Jesse shook his head. Val stripped down, Xander did the same, and they both helped Jesse get his clothes off, being mindful of his arm.
Jesse glanced down. “I told you, it’s just a graze that must’ve nicked a vein. That’s why all the blood.”
Shower time wasn’t sexy, but being naked with these two still had Xander’s cock hard and aching. Just watching Jesse and Val, together, was enough to have him ready to wreck that fucking bed again. All goddamn night.
Val steered Jesse out of the shower and began to dry him off. Xander reached for a second towel and joined in.
“Fuck, I could get used to this kind of attention,” Jesse moaned.
“Where’s your medical kit?” Xander asked, ignoring Jesse’s comment.
“By the front door.”
Xander headed off to grab the kit, while Val helped Jesse into the bedroom.
When Xander returned, Jesse was lying down on the bed and Val was inspecting the wound.
“All you have to do is disinfect the area and apply the numbing cream. Leave for five. Then grab that needle and the thread and sew me up.”
“I think it only needs two or three stiches,” Val replied. “But it’s still bleeding quite heavily.”
“Like I said, the bullet nicked a vein. It’s fine. I’ve lost a hell of a lot more blood than this. I just need a lie down for a bit.”
Xander pulled out the alcohol, sterilized the needle and passed it to Val, along with the thread. Then he applied the numbing cream to Jesse’s arm.
“Two nurses. How lucky am I?” Jessie replied, his brown eyes bright. “You don’t even need the sexy uniform.”
“Now, you're flirting?” Xander commented.
Jesse shrugged. “If not now, when? Getting shot at and nearly buried in a tunnel makes you realize a lot of shit.”
“Like?” Xander asked.
Jesse didn’t reply, he was holding back. But why?
“Do you want a drink before I do this?” Val asked.
Jesse shook his head. “Nope, I’m good.”