Page 74 of Hell Yes
“Are you really that stupid?” she asked him. “You’re not going anywhere. Except, to meet the God you apparently know so well.”
“I have no fear. Not of you, not of these corrupt men you’ve aligned yourself with, and certainly, not of death. I am eternal life.”
“Can I taser him again?” Vanier asked. “Please, anything to make him shut up.”
Val glanced at the biker and shook her head.
“No. Let’s leave that for Sonny,” she replied and turned to Simeon again. “Where is my sister buried?”
Simeon gave her a creepy smile and shook his head. “You’ll never know. Never.”
Val stood up and walked over to the door. “I will. Maybe not at this moment. But soon. That, I can guarantee.”
Nerves were riding high. Not just for the confrontation with the Krypt tonight.
Jesse wished he could have stayed behind with Val. Having her near that asshole Simeon made his blood boil.
“You good?” Xander asked him. “Cause if your mind isn’t focused tonight, you’re better off heading back.”
“I’m good, I’m fine.”
“She’s got backup, and the guy is safely tied up in the bunker.”
Jesse nodded. “I’ll feel better when he’s dead.”
“You and me both. It’ll happen later.”
The drive to Drumheller took almost an hour. Their source told them the drug drop off was taking place at an abandoned strip mall in the north part of the city. Jesse had a feeling that most of the remaining members would be out there tonight. After all, they knew the Hellraisers were after them and it was always better to stick together, safety in numbers.
They drove around and parked in various points around the mall, far enough away to be noticed but close enough, with binoculars, to see what was going on.
Jesse pulled out his night vision goggles and surveyed the area.
“I don’t see any movement yet.”
Jesse’s knee tapped out a nervous rhythm and Xander placed a calming hand on his thigh.
“So impatient,” Xander quipped.
Jesse barked out a laugh. “Yeah. I want these assholes gone.”
They waited for an hour, and suddenly, several cars started pulling into the strip mall.
Jesse took another look. “They’re here. I recognized Colt.”
His earpiece crackled.
“Is their distributor on site yet?” Gage asked. “I see the Krypt crew, looks like seven, no, wait. All nine of them.”
He surveyed the surrounding area. Two pick-up trucks were headed in the direction of the mall. “Two trucks are approaching. That’s probably the distributors.”
“Let’s move.”
The Hellraisers got out of their SUVs and crept quietly through the back of the property until they reached the side of the building. Jesse glanced around the corner. The pick-up trucks came to a stop, and two men got out of each vehicle, headed towards the Krypt crew.
The groups met up and quickly headed inside the second unit.