Page 105 of Double Dare
“Oh, fuck yeah. Just one moan and I’m done for.”
“Alright!” Kade cuts them off.
“Fuck you, Kade. You got off to that moan a hundred times before you got the chance to be the one to cause it,” Zahn laughs.
“You did,” I call him out.
“What’re we all agreeing about?” Bo asks, Nina at his side.
“Laken’s moan.”
Good god. I know they’re just giving us a hard time, but this isn’t what I’d expected. I thought there’d be more jokes and taunts, questions or concerns, comments about us being brothers or how things are going to look in our future. Instead, they put the focal point on Laken’s fucking moan, and I think I love them for it.
“Nothing hotter than Lake’s moan. Except maybe Gar.” The twins agree on that, and a bunch of nods fly around the table.
“Every time I hear that moan, I wonder if I’m getting grandbabies.” Mom has to ruin it all. Crackers fly at her, and she’s hardcore enough to catch one in her mouth.
“You are getting a grandbaby,” Kade says.
“Damn right I am,” Mom says. “Alright, boys. You’re not all here, but there’s something I want to talk to all of you about. Laken had a shit day.”
“Not judging by the sounds coming from the basement,” Zahn scoffs.
Smug and proud. I’d fist bump Kade if it wasn’t so lame.
“But I got some good news, and I think it will make her happy. I heard back from the residency board, and they want to look into Laken’s application.”
“What application?” Bo asks.
“This is the last time she can apply for this kind of VISA, so she applied for permanent residency,” Kade tells them.
“Which brings me to my point,” Mom says. “We are her sponsoring family, and that means they might want to interview us. Just making sure you’re all game for that?”
“Fuck, we aren’t losing little Laken,” Bo says.
“On board all the way,” Rydan says.
“Sign me up for anything.”
“All in.”
“She’s our fucking family. Of course, I’m in.”
I knew they’d be good with it, but it still makes my throat get all tight to hear how invested they are in keeping her. I love my family. Bunch of assholes, but shit, I love them.
“Where’s Laken?” Hardin shouts, coming down the hall with his laptop propped open in his arms. “She’s going to be fucking heartbroken.”
“What’d you find?” I stand.
“Where is she?” he snaps.
Chapter 40
I sink down in the tub, letting the hot water ease all my aches and wash away my stresses. It’s been a shitty day. Jed and Kade made it better, and so did my dad, but now I just need this time to unwind, be on my own, feel my feelings, and remind myself that I’m strong enough to get through them.
Not gonna lie, my ass stings a bit on first contact, but the warmth of the water and the scent of the lavender bubble bath quickly ease me into a comforting embrace. Like…I just got fucked in the ass. Life fucked me in the ass, and it was shit, and then Kade came along and fucked me in the ass, and it was…weirdly nice. Now all these double penetration thoughts are swirling around with my stress, and I’m not sure which big event I want to focus on most.