Page 137 of Double Dare
I watch her, overwhelmed by how much I love her. “I love you, Lakes.” I pull her up my legs so she’s straddling my lap. “And you look hot as shit while getting fucked.”
Her smile is soft. “Was that what you thought it would be?”
“Worse,” I laugh. “Because I liked it.” I run my fingers through her tangled hair. Kade has a thing for her hair and he always fucks it up, but she looks perfect with wild tangles. “I don’t want to make a habit of sitting out, but I’d do it again.”
“I can’t wait to hear all your kinks,” she says, her fingers massaging the back of my neck.
“Tell me yours,” I urge her.
“It’s not a kink, really. More like…a fantasy. You probably won’t understand it.”
“Try me.”
“I will. I’ll tell you both when I’m ready.”
That’s fair. “Okay, fine, but my next kink is even weirder.” I laugh as she waits for me to say it. “I want you to recap, in full detail, everything you do with Kade behind closed doors…while I fuck you.”
She grins. “Deal. Kade said he wants to be blindfolded and sit in the corner while you and I get dirty so he can try to guess what we’re doing,” she laughs. “I can’t tell if voyeurism, exhibitionism, or restraint is the biggest kink here.”
“All of the above, love.” I kiss her and feel pretty damn content at the moment.
“Tired?” she asks, smiling against my lips. I shake my head and Laken pushes on the back of it, steering me where she wants me to go. “You have eight minutes, Jed.”
Always up for that challenge.
Chapter 52
I’m standing with Gar, our arms crossed, grins being suppressed on our faces, while that bitch packs her shit. Like…she moved in here without even asking Gar, and when I pointed it out, he had a mental breakdown about how dumb and naïve he is. It happens to the best of us.
He wanted me here for moral support. Now that he knows how temperamental and insane Amber is, he doesn’t want to risk being alone with her in case she makes some sort of claim. My pleasure to be here; I’m not going to press charges against her, so to watch her get kicked to the curb for her disgusting behavior is going to have to be enough.
When Gar asked me why I wasn’t pressing charges, since Amber literally exposed indecent photos of me and the guys to the whole damn world, I let him talk to Hardin about it. We know it was Amber, but she still won’t admit it, and if we tried to take the evidence to the police, it’d look like Gar had something to do with it. I’m not risking that, plus I feel safer and more secure now with my new accounts.
It’s not Gar’s fault any of this happened. Yes, I blame him for being a dumb fuck, but that’s what happens sometimes when we think we’re in love. It’s hard to see through the love goggles, and it’s even harder when those love goggles are being manipulated and tainted by the love interest herself. I know he’ll find someone amazing someday, and when the time comes, I hope I get to be his wingman instead of the enemy best friend. Hell, with one word, he could probably have his pick of the Dare boys. He’s oblivious to that, though.
Maybe it’s the empath in me, but I also feel a little bad for Amber. Something like this doesn’t come from nothing. She’s been hurt, her confidence has been rocked, or she has trauma and self-esteem issues, or at least something that has made her this way, and this is how she rationalized it. She went about it completely wrong, and she’s going to make a lot of enemies in life if she carries on this way, but I hope whatever it is, she copes and handles it better in the future.
“Do you have to watch me every second?” she snips. “This is degrading enough.” She’s pretty, and she can fake it like none other, but now that Gar is looking in the right places, I can see him wondering how he was ever under her spell.
“Yes,” Gar says matter-of-factly. “Just hurry up. You don’t have much stuff here.”
She rolls her eyes, looking pathetic. Shit, is that how I look when I roll mine? Stopping that immediately.
Amber gathers up the rest of her stuff, puts all her bags by the door, and then struts her stuff into the kitchen to grab her travel mug from the counter. “Well, enjoy your life with this whore. I hear she likes—”
“Enough,” Gar cuts her off.
She glances at me like the whore she thinks I am, and then she sighs. “You’re making a big mistake, Gar. She’ll never look at you like she looks at the Dare boys.”
“Just go.” Gar points at the door.
Amber walks past Gar, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Congrats on your new title, Laken. How does it feel to be known as Seward’s Whore?”
I’m a calm person. The girls on New Year’s got the better of me. I may have punched a guy on the docks in Ketchikan. I was six seconds away from hitting Aunt Candice. But something about the cattiness of this prissy chick has my inner bitch coming out. I wind up and land an open-palmed bitch slap against her cheek.
“It feels pretty fucking good,” I answer her question. My comeback game needs serious work.
She clutches her face, looking like she wants to hit me back. Luckily, she grabs her bags and slams the front door behind her.