Page 6 of Double Dare
I glare. She glares.
“Because she’s not mine! Because I love Jed. Because…fuck, just because. There are so many reasons why I shouldn’t have done it that I can’t even think of a good reason for actually doing it. Other than…I'm a greedy dick with a greedy dick.”
I’m sick of sounding like a broken record. Yes, I fell for my brother’s girl, but now there’s nothing I can do about it but move on. I got that taste, had a fun night, got off to it, and now it’s time to face reality and let her go. It might take me some time, but I’ll keep finding ways to try.
“You’re such an idiot, Kade,” Maeve says, logging onto the computer for some reason. “You’re the one always telling me it’s okay to want something that isn’t socially acceptable.”
Literally don’t remember saying that shit once, even though it’s true.
“You’ve heard of this thing called polyamory, yeah?”
I roll my eyes at her, hopping off the counter to gather up the shit I came for. Of course I’ve heard of it, but that’s not what’s happening here. Society would have a fucking field day with us. Two brothers with the same girl? That is shit for werewolf books and porn fantasies, not real life. Even my own mom might get a little squeamish about that one.
Knowing her, she’d call me a twat for even thinking that, but she’s not here to tell me that right now, so I’m just going to run with it. What would Wyatt think? Jesus, I do not want to piss off Laken’s dad. That man might be the only person alive who actually scares me.
“I’m just saying, Kade,” Maeve shoots at me from the desk, her voice traveling into my workstation. “Jed’s not dumb.” Debatable. “He knew what he was doing, and he did it for a reason. Have you asked him what that reason is?”
No. Probably never will. I am afraid of the answer. Because if it’s not what Maeve is suggesting, then I don’t want to know.
I gather up some sketch pads, a few good pens, some drawings I did for a client, and pack it all in a folder to take home. No idea what I’m going to do tonight, but I’m half-ass debating just staying in and drawing so I can get all my weird thoughts on paper. So fucking cool for a twenty-year-old guy on a Saturday night.
“Just talk to him,” Maeve says when I come back out. “Stop assuming you know what everyone is thinking. You barely know what you’re thinking.”
I raise a brow at her. “Are you done? I already have one high and mighty woman who loves to solve all the problems in my life. You gonna be my second mom? Jesus, Mae. We went from boss and apprentice to fuck buddies, to kink explorers, to enemies, to best friends with benefits, and now you wanna be mommy, too?”
“Fuck you, Kade. You know I’m right.” She gets in my face. “And if you ever point the word mommy at me again, I’ll fire you.”
I grin at her. “Little miss submissive,” I muse. “Shoulda known better.”
She whips a pen at me. “Lock up on your way out, and when you’re ready to actually talk like a grown-up, call me.” The door up to her apartment slams, and I feel better after that.
Maeve is always good for a chat and a cheer up.
“Hey, baby.”
I cross my fingers in an X as I walk up the front steps and ward off my mother. “Don’t start this shit with me, Mom.”
She lights a smoke and stands her ground, not letting me in the front door. I’m a dick, but not enough of a dick to push my mom, so I sigh, waiting for her to get to the bullshit.
“What wise facts are you gonna spout at me today, Mom? I’m still finding my path? I’m too young to know what’s best for me? Just give it time? Talk to my brother?”
She scoffs. “I never sound that lame.”
She doesn’t. Somehow, she makes the bullshit sound cool and helpful. As much as I pretend I don’t want to deal with her, I’m salivating for her to tell me what to do. Unfortunately, she knows that, which is exactly why she won’t tell me what to do.
“Actually, I was going to ask you to feed Mule.”
No she wasn’t. But I smile and nod like I believe her. When she still doesn’t move, I snatch her cigarette and pace the deck.
“Fine, give it to me. Tell me to move on and get a girl of my own.”
She snatches her smoke back. “Don’t you fucking start this shit.” She holds it up. “Jed and Four are already smokers. I don’t need a third one.”
“I’m allowed. Who says you need a girl of your own?”
“Aren’t you about to tell me that?”