Page 97 of Double Dare
I finish the coffee and snatch the chocolate bar off the bed. Pacing the room while taking angry bites, I try to sort this out. “Who would have access to that window? It’s at the back of the house, and whoever it was would have had to go on the deck. Does someone have it out for my business? Me personally?”
“Or us,” Kade says. “Who knows your phone passcode?”
“No one. You two.”
“Maybe someone had access to your phone when it was already unlocked.” Jed leans against the wall. “So, it’s gotta be someone we know. Or someone you know, at least.”
I rip any angry bite off my chocolate. But…why? What could I have possibly done to warrant this type of attack? It’s not just a personal insult, it’s a sexual exploitation broadcasted over an account that has thousands of followers and is meant to be professional. Not only does it degrade me as a person, but it taints me as a professional, too.
“Maybe someone was out to get us,” Kade suggests. “No doubt we’ve pissed off enough people around here over our lives.”
“Who? Like Mills or Fordy’s guys?” I ask.
Jed shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. “We need to get Hardin on it. He can trace that shit or whatever hacker genius bullshit he does.”
“Not tonight.” I crumple the foil wrapper.
“You want another one?” Kade asks, smirking at my balled-up wrapper.
“No, I’m good. Yes, actually. Wait, no.” I look at him and he smirks. “Yes.”
Kade laughs, leaving to get me another chocolate bar. I stress eat sometimes, okay?
My shoulders deflate a bit when I look at Jed. “My dad really wasn’t pissed?”
“He was worried, Lakes. He called me, and when I didn’t pick up, he called Kade. He said he didn’t like it, called us assholes, and told us we better treat you right. You should call him so he doesn’t sit around worrying all night.”
I will. He deserves that.
Kade walks in and hands me a second Twix bar. “I thought about taking a bite, but knew you’d probably stab me.” He kisses my temple. “We should try that sometime. New kink.”
Stabbing? Maybe.
“Are you guys mad at me?”
“Why the fuck would we be mad at you?” Kade pulls me in for a backwards hug. “This isn’t your fault. We’re all in it together. We love you.”
“Yeah, but this is our business, and now everyone knows it.” I lean against him, feeling better already.
Jed sits on the edge of the bed, his chin on my stomach. “I think in the beginning I was a bit worried about people finding out. I’m not anymore, love. I’m actually kinda proud we made it here. Yeah, we might fight sometimes because we’re brothers, but I love it. I love us.”
“What fun would it be if we didn’t want to kill each other sometimes?” Kade agrees. “I don’t care what anyone thinks either, Bossy. Let them talk. As long as we’re happy and our family is with us, that’s all I care about.”
So blessed. “Thank you. Both of you.” I smile at each of them, grateful to have them in my corner. “I need to call my dad before dinner.”
“I’m the asshole who ruined your relationship, so make sure you say good shit about me, Laken. Really talk up my charm.” Kade grins, kissing me.
“You’re the asshole who completed our relationship,” I correct. “What charm?”
Oh, that Dare charm. They both have it. All fucking ten of them do.
“Don’t say anything to Hardin until tomorrow.” I make them both promise before leaving to get a bit of privacy to call my dad. I take my second Twix with me for moral support.
Eyes on the bay and feet on the dock, I listen to the phone ring. I shouldn’t be nervous to talk to my dad about this, but now that my hand has been forced, it’s more guilt than anything. I should have told him right when things became official. He’s been nothing but incredible to me my whole life, and he deserves the honesty.
“Hey, Lakey,” he answers. “Those two dipshits make sure you were okay?”