Page 4 of Wife Wanted
"I am, and I have some very good news for you."
This is what I've wanted to hear from the first moment I met with her. I've been waiting for her to tell me she's found someone. "I'm all ears."
She situates herself in her chair and tilts her head to the side. "I've found a match for you and your daughter. Her name is Courtney and she's the most lovely woman I've met."
I'm sure she says that about everyone. I have no doubt this is how she makes most of her money, and the amount I'm giving her isn't small. "This is all great news, when will I get to meet her?" This is the part of the process I've been uneasy about. I have to bring someone I don't know into the home I share with my daughter. She's already had so much change this early in her life, and I don't want to be the person who continually does that to her.
Miss May crosses her legs. "So, the two of you will meet in person on the day of your wedding. You'll have one Zoom meeting previous - the day before your wedding. If there is absolutely something that bothers you about one another, that is the last chance for either of you to back out."
I nod, understanding what she's saying. "Will she already be here the day before?"
"Yes, but in the event you or she choose not to go through with the wedding, we'll take care of her getting back home. That's not something you'll have to worry about."
That's a relief. It's the last thing I need on my conscience - to know a woman came here for me and Rachel - and then she got stuck here because the two of us didn't work out. "Perfect. When will I meet her again?"
"Tomorrow, or is that too soon for you?"
Doing the math in my head, that means I'll be getting married in two days. "The sooner the better. I have people in my life who need for this to happen."
"I'll send you the details of the meeting. It will be in a public place just for safety for everyone."
"Understood. Thank you, Miss May."
"The pleasure is mine." She smiles, and with that, she's gone.
My heart is pounding as I think about what just happened, what's going to happen. "Have I lost my mind?" I ask no one in particular. I guess we'll find out, either way I'm going to be married, and hopefully it'll make life easier on everyone involved.
"Or," I whisper. "It could be the worst mistake of my life."
"My hair looks okay?" I question Cammie as she talks to me over FaceTime. "Makeup isn't too heavy?"
"You look like a million bucks. Things are going to be fine. You're going to go into this and kill it. You're going to be everything this man is looking for. Miss May doesn't make mistakes."
I've heard that more than once since I started this procedure. I'm doing my best to let things go the way they're supposed to and not question too much, but I'm getting nervous. "What if I'm the first one?" I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth.
"That's not possible. She knows what she's doing. There isn't a couple I know of that she's put together who are unhappy. Court, you have to trust me."
That's the problem. I don't trust anyone, including my best friend. "If you say so." My answer is non-comital and I'm doing my best not to let all of this show on my face.
"I do. Now go out there and knock 'em dead."
"Will do." I give her my best smile. "Thank you again. If you hadn't done this before me, I don't think I'd be here right now."
We disconnect and I take a deep breath, rolling my shoulders to try and loosen them up. I lick my dry lips and then go try and find something to drink. My phone vibrates, reminding me of how much time I have before I go meet this man. I grab the phone and pull up the information as I pull a bottle of water out of the hotel fridge.
Single dad.
Hot as fuck.
I've always had a thing for guys who are in charge and in control. Somehow Miss May knew that, and she knocked it out of the park. His dark eyes are full of soul, bright smile spread wide across his face, and the slight wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. He's older than me, and that's also a turn on for me. She got me every single thing I've ever wanted.