Page 18 of Seek and Cherish
“What did you hear?”
“Something gigantic stomping through the forest. You haven’t seen another Bigfoot out there, have you?” She’s pale and shaky, gaze darting toward the trees as she speaks.
“I’m the only Bigfoot. I promise. Everything sounds bigger than it is out there with the dry, dead leaves. It was probably just a squirrel.”
She glares at me, her eyes narrowing to angry slits. “I know the difference between the noise a squirrel makes and the noise a human-sized monster makes.”
I don’t back down. “Do you? You said you’re afraid to go into the forest. How much experience have you had?”
She looks down at her feet. “More than enough.” She speaks so quietly I barely hear her.
This is a vulnerable side I haven’t seen of her and it softens my resolve to keep my distance. I want to pull her into my arms and offer her whatever she wants, but I still don’t trust her and I’m not going to get emotionally involved until I do.
“You should probably give up on this wild goose chase. Get back in your car and go home. If there even is a treasure out there, I doubt it’s worth all this.”
She looks up at me, determination in her eyes. “I’ll show you the map and the riddle. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, and I promise I won’t lie or try to manipulate you again.”
I take a step back, more scared of her than of anything out there in the woods. She is so fierce and beautiful and I’m not totally over the last woman who broke my heart. The safest thing for me to do is push her away.
“And how can I believe you?”
She glances back at her car like she wants to leave, to forget this day and me. But when she turns back, the determination has moved from her eyes to the firm press of her lips and the tightness of her jaw. “You see through me in a way no one in this world ever has before. If I try to manipulate you again, you’ll know.”
Unless she gets under my skin, into my heart, and engulfs my soul. When I fall for someone, I don’t just hit the ground, I drown. When I drown, I lose perspective. I knew from across a field this woman could pull me under. Standing here in front of her, I feel the water rising to meet my toes.
“I shouldn’t have to be on guard,” I say. “I’m here to get away from all that. I’m sorry, but I’m out.”
She’s a threat to me in a time when I need to be clearheaded and get back to the life I know. I can’t afford to get lost in anyone when my career is on the line.
She stares me down, silent, waiting for me to change my mind or give in. She doesn’t know me. Doesn’t understand my willpower is the steel of guitar strings running through my veins.
I’ve been walked over and viewed as an object for too much of my life not to have learned how to stand up for myself. Maybe too late, but without looking back.
Defeat creeps over her slowly, starting in the fall of her shoulders and rising to the wobble of her chin and the dark despair in her eyes. “Okay. Fine.”
She turns and walks away. I don’t watch to see if she goes back into the forest. I don’t think about Clover or what she’ll do to me.
I go straight to my office, and I write about a woman with dark hair and sad eyes.
“If you want this bonding experience, why not just tell your sisters about the treasure hunt so you can all do it together?” Lila leans against Marigold’s side and strokes her coarse fur. The big, brown cow practically purrs in contentment.
“They won’t want anything to do with it.” I’ve told Lila about the treasure map, because I needed to talk to someone about it, and she’s the most sensible person I know. “They hate our father for being a con artist. They won’t have any interest in treasure our thieving grandfather left behind.”
“But you think they’ll be into it if you find the treasure first and lead them to it?” She raises her brows to communicate any skepticism her voice lacks.
“It’ll be a fun way for us to spend time together. If they see our family legacy in such a tangible way, experience how much we’re a part of these mountains, maybe they’ll value our family more.” I know it’s a long shot, but it’s the best idea I’ve got. Based on the letter my father left with the map, there’s not just money to be found, but jewels and documents. The sorts of items that could tell a story about our grandfather and who he was. “But they’re never going to go along with it if it means trudging around the woods for weeks and months.”
She shrugs. “In my opinion, you’re lucky Bigfoot turned you down. Any man who wears a costume and runs around in the woods is more than capable of strangling you and burying your body in a shallow grave.”
“If he wanted to kill me, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t keep turning me down and telling me to stay away.”
“Maybe he’s protecting you from his dark side.” She lowers her voice to a deep, dramatic tone.
“I told you, Clover and Asher visit him and they gave him Barley Hopper. He can’t be all bad.” I throw up my hands. “But it won’t matter if I can’t convince him to help me.”