Page 3 of Seek and Cherish
“And you’re a strange naked man keeping me trapped in here.” My heart is a beating faster and sweat rises on my skin. Am I afraid? This doesn’t feel like fear, but I… My lower belly warms and my knees go weak. It’s been so long since I felt like this that it takes me several long seconds to realize what’s going on.
I’ve never felt this intense level of attraction so fast. And it’s not just his nudity. I'm drawn to this man, like I know him on some subconscious level.
That has to be the hormones talking.
Love at first sight is not a thing.
He looks back at the gate, twisting far enough for me to make out a nicely rounded ass.
He faces me and steps to the side until there’s room for me to get past him, but only if he lets me. “I’m naked because Barley’s alarm woke me up, and I didn’t have time to get dressed.”
“You go to bed at three in the afternoon?”
He shakes his head and runs his free hand through his hair. “I was napping. I haven’t been sleeping great at night lately and…” He trails off. “Why are you in my backyard?”
“You nap naked?” It seems way too convenient. There’s a strange woman in his yard and oops, he just happens to be naked? He could absolutely be a pervert, or worse.
He shakes his head, scowl deepening. “I can’t sleep with clothes on. It’s a thing. And I live in the middle of nowhere, so I can do whatever I want because normally no one bothers me.” He huffs in frustration that’s oddly adorable. “Are you here to kidnap Barley?”
“How do you know me?” I ask again, trying to keep him focused on the information I need.
“I don’t. I’ve just seen you around the…” He stops, dropping his head forward and sighing heavily. He looks up at me, a gentle pleading in his gaze. “Forget I said that. I know your sister, Clover. She mentioned you.”
“You’ve been watching me.” And you’re a liar.
“No,” he says quickly. “I swear. I’ve just seen you when I’ve been out for a… walk. I’ve seen you around the farm.”
“Uh-huh.” He’s definitely a creepy stalker. Pervert remains to be determined. Mentally, I weigh the odds of risk if I go through with my plan. Unfortunately, I have no great alternative options. “I’m not here to kidnap Barley. I’m here to ask you for a favor.”
He narrows his eyes, studying me, and the impact of his intense gaze, the way he seems to see right through me, makes me take a step back, a shiver climbing up my spine.
I recover quickly and give him a smile, eyes lowered like I’m shy. I’m doing my best to telegraph an ‘I’m sweet and trustworthy’ vibe, but his eyes narrow and his mouth sets in a hard, angry line.
“I’d rather have this conversation with clothes on.”
“I can hang out with Barley while you get dressed.”
He hesitates just long enough to make it clear he doesn’t trust me. But he nods, expression tight, and turns to leave.
He makes no attempt to hide his bare ass, so I make no attempt not to stare appreciatively. It’s a lovely backside, high and firm, leading up to a strong back. A zing of something deeper than lust, something that feels like longing, hits me right in the chest.
I have the worst taste in men.
He looks back over his shoulder and smirks, like he heard my thoughts. “I’ll be right back.”
My cheeks heat, damn it. What the hell is wrong with me? I cannot be attracted to this man. I will not allow it.
Too late, I realize I should have leaned into the blush, should have kept up the sweet, innocent act in my attempt to win him over, but he’s already walking away, the gate swinging shut behind him, the clasp catching and locking on the door.
My heart races and my hand holding the pepper spray shakes. I’m not conning this man, I’m just asking for a favor, but this whole plan is suddenly scarier than the riskiest con I ever ran with my father.
Never before have I been attracted to a mark. Not that Bigfoot is a mark, but I need something from him and getting attached to him, even physically, is a bad, bad idea.
With Barley at my feet, I explore the yard. His playground isn’t just huge, it’s well built, with such attention to detail that all the wooden corners are rounded and nails heads are covered with wood putty. Inside the kennels, there’s lots of fluffy, clean hay and the feed and water bowls are spotless.
On my way back across the play yard, a blinking red light on the side of the house catches my attention and I walk over to the small plastic box that looks very much like a motion sensor alarm. I’ve seen sensors like this before, but this one probably cost more than I make at the diner in two months.
“It alerts me to anything larger than a squirrel that gets close to the gate,” the man says.