Page 43 of Seek and Cherish
“I knew it,” Clover shouts. “Honey was acting really weird when she told Dani she’d found a home for Begonia. Asher said there was no way, but I knew it. Why didn’t you tell me you finally worked up the nerve to talk to Honey?”
Oh, shit. “What do you mean, finally worked up the nerve? What are you even talking about right now?” The oven beeps, but the land line is not a cordless. “I have to go. Just tell Jared about me and ask him to make a house call if he can.”
I hang up on her, sprint to the kitchen and pull the bread out as my phone rings. I don’t want to answer but, knowing Clover, she won’t give up easily.
I grab the phone. “You can’t tell Honey you know.” I start with the most important detail.
“Why not?” Clover says. “This is great. We can all hang out together and—”
“We’re not dating.”
“What? Why not? You clearly have a thing for her and—”
“She’s not interested in dating me. We’re just friends and I’m… She’s helping me out with something and…” Shit. Why didn’t I have a plan for this? I groan dramatically. “I haven’t told her I’m famous. She thinks I’m a college professor.”
“You lied to her?”
“I know it’s wrong, Clover. I know that. But I haven’t met a single person since I was a kid who didn’t know who I am and what I can do. She looks at me like I’m a regular person and I just need to know…” Damn it, I’m really going to say it, aren’t I? “I just need to find out how I measure up without the fame and the money and the fans.”
“Aw, you poor, poor world famous, rich beyond belief, rock star. Of course I’m okay with you lying to my young, sweet, impressionable baby sister.”
Are we talking about the same person? “We’re not dating. In a few weeks, I’ll be heading back to LA and she’ll never see me again. Trust me when I tell you she probably won’t even care.” And the reality of that is a punch to the gut for which I’m unprepared.
“I don’t like this. You need to tell her soon.”
“Fine. I’ll tell her soon. I promise.” I just need a few more days with her first.
“If you don’t tell her, I’m going to tell her.”
“No. You can’t even let on to her you know she and I have been hanging out—”
“It’s fine. I’ll pretend you’re a college professor or whatever, and I won’t tell our sisters.”
“Clover, you don’t under—”
“Someone’s calling me. I’ll send Jared your way. Gotta go.”
I hang up and drop my head in my hands. I have a very bad feeling about this.
With a careful twist and a snap, I remove the cord from the alarm sensor on the back of Mac’s house. A thrill shoots through me. “Still got it.”
I smile as I hop off the ladder and let myself into Barley and Begonia’s enclosure. “Hey, kids. Ready to get married today?”
A pang of disappointment slows my steps as Mac doesn’t run out of the house, ready to take on whoever’s messing with his goat. I don’t want him to interrupt my plan, but I want to see him. Really a lot.
The pull I feel toward the man is concerning, which is why I’m not going to think about it. I’m going to focus on getting everything ready for Barley and Begonia’s big day.
I glance over to see that Barley is nuzzling his face against Begonia’s. They are adorably in love. If only human relationships could be so simple.
The sun has fully risen by the time I’ve gotten the food laid out on Barley’s climbing stack. I brought something for the humans and for the goats. I’ve also gotten Begonia and Barley into their wedding attire and I’ve almost finished weaving flowers through the bottom of the arch-like bridge that connects the two goat towers.
I was up all night weaving the flower stems together, after I’d made sure they were safe for Barley and Begonia to eat.
The ladder tilts to the side as I lean out to hook a flower around the bridge support, letting the rest dangle toward the ground. A sharp tug on the strand makes me nearly lose my balance.