Page 54 of Seek and Cherish
As one unit, they run toward our table and start hitting and kicking Dell, while one of them films the whole thing with a cell phone. “You can’t beat up Jaxon Hayes,” they yell.
I look over at Mac, expecting him to be as confused as I am, but he’s looking at me with something like fear and concern. What the hell is going on?
“Stop hitting me,” Dell whines. “My eyes are burning.”
The girls push Dell toward the door. “Get out,” they chant. “Leave him alone.”
Dell, unable to see and still rubbing his eyes, allows himself to be pushed along.
Mac grabs my hand and yanks me toward the counter at the back of the restaurant. The cashiers stare at him with wide eyes.
“Is there a back way out of here?” Mac asks.
A cashier with pink hair in a high ponytail nods dumbly.
“Can you show me?”
Now, the manager shows up. “Of course, Mr. Hayes. Right this way.”
I glance back at Maya. She’s kneeling on the booth seat and filming us along with most of the people in the restaurant.
She gives me a small wave and a thumbs up.
I wave back, totally confused.
Mac squeezes my hand. “We should get out of here before those kids come back.”
I nod, because those girls were adorable, but also more than a little scary.
We follow the manager through the kitchen and out a back door where Mac’s car just happens to be conveniently parked.
Did I hit my head? What is happening?
I drive out of that parking lot as fast as I can while also being safe. I’m sure there’s already video online of me fighting with Dell. I don’t need someone to get footage of me driving recklessly.
Once we’re on the highway, the mountains ahead in the distance, I glance over at Honey. She’s bent over her phone and muttering to herself. I make out something that sounds like, ‘touring? No way.’ She hasn’t said a word to me since we fled the restaurant and I can only imagine what she thinks of me.
There are so many things I need to explain to her, but what I say is, “Normally, I would have stayed and talked to those girls. I would have taken a picture with each of them and signed whatever they wanted me to, but I didn’t want to stick around with Dell there.”
“I get it.” She doesn’t look up. Her words sound tight and unhappy.
“I didn’t want Dell to try anything else with you or for the cops to show up. The private investigator couldn’t track him, so I knew there was a risk of him showing up.”
“You told me that before I met with Maya.” She’s still not looking up. She must be really pissed.
“I’m sorry, Honey. I should have—”
Finally, she looks up and meets my gaze. “Don’t give me shoulds, Mac or Jax or Jaxon or whatever the hell your name is. You made a choice. Own it.”
“Honey, I—”
“Focus on the road. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
I pinch my lips together and drive in silence for as long as I can stand it. I make it as far as the mountains before I can’t take it anymore and pull into the first outlook.