Page 57 of Seek and Cherish
“Ouch.” She reaches out and gently touches my lip with her thumb. “When did this happen? I didn’t think he got a good punch on you.”
I shrug. “Maybe not any good punches, but he got a few hits in.”
Her eyes go soft as she reaches up and runs her fingers lightly over my cheekbone. From the feel of it, I’ll definitely have a bruise there.
I lean into her touch, feeling no pain as she presses her lips to mine.
She pulls back immediately. “Does that hurt?”
I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck, her hair soft against my skin. “Not even a little.”
I don’t have to pull her back in. She’s right there with me, kissing me.
Her lips are soft, like she’s being careful with me, so I squeeze her neck just a little and kiss her harder.
She responds by nipping my bottom lip, apparently no longer caring about my injuries, and I open to her as she runs her finger through my hair, gripping like she needs me closer.
I slide a hand to her waist, but my elbow hits the steering wheel on the way and the horn lets out a loud honk.
She breaks away and looks around like she thinks someone else honked at us.
“It was just me.” I grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers, giving it a small squeeze.
She stares at our hands together for a long moment and, when she looks up, her smile is radiant. It fills me with joy, all my fears and worries washing away in its glow. “A car’s probably not the best place to make out.”
“Probably not.”
She looks down at our hands again. “I probably shouldn’t have kissed you. It’s just… The biggest thing holding me back has been thinking you were a criminal and, now I know you’re not…” She stares at my lips like she’s been entranced, then shakes her head. “But I still shouldn’t have kissed you.”
“I’m glad you did.”
She looks up at me, her expression concerned. “This could get complicated.”
I definitely don’t need more complications in my life. “It doesn’t have to. We can have fun together and leave it at that.”
She lifts her head and looks out at the view. We’re only a about a third of the way up the mountain, but in front of us the valley stretches out, all green and blue sky. It’s gorgeous here, and being on the side of this mountain surrounded by all this beauty relaxes me. I can have this with Honey. I don’t have to overthink it.
She’s not famous, and no one knows about us. I can find out what it’s like to have a normal relationship out of the public eye.
“Okay,” she says. “As long as you understand, my family comes first. I’ll choose to spend time with them over you, and we need to make finding the treasure a priority.”
“And I’m going back to LA soon. I’m sure you don’t want to move to LA or tour with me.” I can’t keep the hope out of my voice or my heart.
She turns and looks at me. “Absolutely not. This has been enough of a road trip for me. I can’t stand non-stop pop music.”
I lean across the console and kiss her again. I mean for it just to be a quick peck, but she meets me more than halfway and we’re making out again, lost in each other.
I’ve gripped her hip and am trying to pull her onto my lap before she stops me. “We should get back to your place first.”
“But my place is still thirty minutes away. We have this mountain to get over first. And there’s no one here.” I’m not serious. I do not want my first time with her to be in this tiny car, but… “And we have the whole forest. Plenty of space to work.”
She shudders. “It’s like you don’t know me at all.”
“I’d protect you from spiders and bears and—”
“Forest monsters,” she practically shouts. She squeezes my hand hard and shakes a finger in my face. “I don’t know what your kinks are, but I will never, ever, ever have sex in nature.”
I bite back a laugh and put the car in drive. “Never say never.”