Page 64 of Seek and Cherish
He leans in and kisses me hard once before he begins to thrust in earnest. There’s no talking now, just pleasure as he fills me over and over again. Aftershocks from my two orgasms shudder through me until I’m not sure how much more I can take.
He groans and his whole body tenses and I know he’s close.
“Come on my boobs,” I say, because he’s got me thinking about seeing him on me that way and it’s something I’ve never done before.
His eyes light and he pulls out of me, wrapping his fist around himself, giving me a show as he strokes himself. It only takes a few seconds and then he’s coming on my chest in white, hot streaks.
He sags, staring at my chest. “Holy shit, that’s hot.”
I sink into the couch, more relaxed than I can remember being in maybe my whole life.
But Jaxon’s expression changes, his brow creasing with worry. “Wait. Shit. We didn’t use a condom. I never don’t use a condom. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I smile up at him, feeling lazy. “I’m on the pill and you’re the first guy I’ve been with in almost a year.”
He relaxes, but the crease doesn’t leave his brow. “I’m clean too. The stories about me cheating are lies. It’s been almost a year for me, too.”
I start to sit up, but stop when I remember the jizz on my boobs. “What about your ex? You two just broke up, like, six months ago.”
“Eight. And we’d stop having sex a few months before that. Things were rocky, and I thought we were trying to make it better when she was actually just falling for someone else.”
“I’m sorry.” And I am, even if I’m also happy, I’m not likely to be a rebound. As much as I might tell myself I can keep this casual, Jaxon means more to me than I want to admit.
I wasn’t completely honest when I told him I don’t trust him.
Not trusting him would be the smart thing to do, but I trust him to keep me safe in the woods, I trust him with my secrets, and I trust him with my body. And that was before I knew all his secrets.
He lied to me about his profession, but in every other way, he’s been honest and supportive and always on my side. He might just be the best person I’ve ever known and, even if this whatever we have is doomed to failure, I want him to remember me as more than a casual fling.
“I am too.” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “Not the most romantic conversation. Stay there and I’ll get you cleaned up.”
I watch his perfect ass as he walks away and get an equally amazing view when he returns with a wet washcloth.
“You might sell more albums if you take your clothes off on stage.”
He presses the warm cloth to my chest and gently wipes me clean. “I’m one of the top selling pop artists in the country. My last single was number one on the charts for two weeks.”
“Just saying. Your body is a work of art. More people should get to enjoy it.”
He bends down and kisses me. “You’re that eager to share me?”
Not even close, which is maybe why I said what I did. It’s dangerous how the idea of other women getting to see him naked feels like being stabbed in the gut. “You don’t belong to me.”
He smiles. “But I’d like to.”
He stands before I can say anything, and I take his words to be wistful. A wish we both know can’t be reality. It’s the reminder I need.
I sit up and reach for my clothes.
“You could stay. Let me wake you up with my tongue.”
As I snap my bra back on, I smile up at him, even though a part of me feels like crying at the thought of leaving. “My sisters are the priority. They’re all supposed to be home soon.”
It’s somehow worse that he accepts my words without argument. “See you here tomorrow for more treasure hunting?”
“I’ll be here.”
He doesn’t dress, but settles onto the couch fully nude, a temptation and a dare, as I dress and leave.