Page 76 of Seek and Cherish
I’m out of the car before Jaxon has put it into park. I race to the house, my mind playing out every possible scenario of what Dell could say to my sisters.
I can’t even let myself think he might be physically hurting them.
“Honey, wait,” Jaxon calls behind me.
I ignore him, pounding up the steps to the front door.
I have my hand on the knob when he wraps his arms around me and lifts me off my feet. “I know you’re scared,” he whispers. “But we need to go in there like we have no idea Dell’s here. Unless you want to blow the cover of the security agent and have to explain to your sisters why I hired her to watch out for them.”
I deflate as his logic sinks in. He’s right. “What if he’s already told them?” What if he’s already given them the worst possible version of me?
What if he’s hurt them?
“We’ll handle it. Together.”
He lowers me to my feet and I shake out my arms, trying to calm down and think clearly. “Maybe you should leave. You don’t want to blow your cover.”
He gives me a wry smile. “Do you want me to leave?”
My insides go ice cold at the thought. I cannot face whatever’s inside this house alone. “You could wait for me in the car.”
He cups my face and rubs my cheekbones gently with his thumbs. “I appreciate your willingness to protect me, but that diner video blew my cover. It’s only a matter of time before people figure out where I’ve been hiding.” His smirk widens to a smile. “Besides, I’m the perfect distraction to draw your sisters’ attention off Dell and whatever lies he’s telling them.”
He makes a fair point. I pop onto my tiptoes and kiss him. “Thank you.”
He nods. “Ready?”
I take a few deep breaths and push down my fear and worry.
I make my face go blank, the way my father taught me. My poker face.
My mask.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
My hand in Jaxon’s, we walk inside to the sound of laughter and wonderful smells. Of course, the one time all my sisters are home is when Dell shows up. I breathe out a sigh of relief that no one is yelling or being beaten up.
In the kitchen, my sisters and their significant others are all seated at the table playing a card game. Dell has shaved and washed his face and he’s wearing clean clothes, a t-shirt and jeans.
His hair is still a stringy mess, but it’s clear he tried to make himself look presentable.
Seated next to him is a woman, in a tank top and shorts, with cut muscles, her hair back in a tight French braid.
“Hey, Honey. You didn’t tell me you had such fun friends.” Goldy smiles over at us but freezes, her mouth dropping open. “Oh, my goodness. You look just like Jaxon Hayes.”
Jaxon lets go of my hand and crosses the room to offer it to Goldy. “I am Jaxon Hayes. Nice to meet you.”
Goldy opens and closes her mouth three times, clearly shocked. Henry reaches over and shakes Jaxon’s hand. “It’s great to meet you. She’s a big fan of your music.”
“Always happy to meet a fan,” Jaxon says.
Goldy doesn’t take her eyes off Jaxon, and I relax. If Dell had told her the truth about me, Goldy wouldn’t be so cheerful right now.
“It’s meet to nice you,” Goldy says. “I mean, it’s lovely to meet you. Can I get you anything? A drink? Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes. If you’d like to stay. I know you’re a vegan. We have a veggie lasagna and—”
I link my arm through Jaxon’s and pull him gently away from my babbling sister. “Thanks, Goldy. We actually have plans with Dell and ….” I have no idea what alias the security agent might be using. I look over at Dell and grip Jaxon’s biceps tighter as Dell’s gaze meets mine. “Sorry we’re late.”