Page 92 of Seek and Cherish
“I have no idea how she’s doing. She doesn’t share with me. But I do know she’s fucking obsessed with this treasure, and she’s convinced Dani and Clover to go into the woods with her to find it.”
“She couldn’t get Daisy and Goldy to go? She really wanted all the sisters to look for it together.”
“They stayed behind, but they’re going to help with cleaning and identifying the value of the treasure or whatever.” Asher tilts his head to the side. “I’m guessing whatever they find, if anything’s even out there, won’t be worth much, but Honey is acting like it’s going to change their lives. They’re set to inherit millions from their dad. I don’t get it.”
“It’s not about the treasure.” I run a hand through my hair. “Look, Honey would hate me for telling you this, but someone needs to know. It’s never been about the treasure. Honey just wants to get to know her sisters, to be close like they were when they were kids. She thinks the treasure will bring them together.”
Asher scrunches his brow. “I don’t get it.”
“I don’t either, but I think Honey’s tried everything else she can think of, short of admitting she wants more time with them, and this is her last-ditch attempt. Her Hail Mary. When are they heading out?”
“They left this morning. I should be hearing something soon.”
I wish I was out there with them, but even if I’d been in town, I wouldn’t have been invited. If there was anything to worry about, the PI would have been in touch. “Do you think Honey misses me?”
“I fucking miss you.” Asher sticks out his lower lip. “Isn’t that enough for you?”
He’s trying to lighten the situation, but I’m not in the mood. “I’m thinking about giving it all up. That’s really why I asked you to come out here. I want your advice.” This is the first time I’ve said the words aloud and they don’t feel any less terrifying coming out of my mouth than they did in my head.
“Would you be giving it up for Honey?” Asher leans forward, elbows on his knees.
I’m almost afraid to speak the words aloud. But a week hasn’t been enough for me to stop missing Honey and I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t at least try to find a way for us to work. “If she’ll have me. I can’t see a way forward for us as long as I’m touring eight months of every year and doing commercials and writing music.”
“And if she won’t have you?”
And that’s the question I don’t want to think about. “The only way to find out is to make a major change to my life and my career. I have to prove to her how serious I am and that I’ll keep her protected from my fame.”
“Is that what you want?” Asher runs his fingers through his beard thoughtfully. “Because if the only reason you’re making the change is to spend more time with Honey, it’s never going to work out. You’re going to miss all this.” He gestures at my office. “And you’re going to either leave her for it or resent her.”
“I don’t know.” The words come out with no force. It’s the question that’s been keeping me up at night. “That’s why what I said yesterday about staying away from her being the best thing I can do for her is also true. I’m not sure I can keep her safe from my fame and I don’t know what our future will be. I don’t remember anything other than this life. There are things about it I hate, things I know I don’t want to do any more, but I have no idea if there’s anything else out there I’d like better.”
Asher nods. “Six months living in a cabin off the grid wasn’t enough to help you decide?”
“That wasn’t real life. That was hiding. What would a life look like for me in a small town with guards keeping overzealous fans away from me? What’s my life when I’m at home every day doing…?” I throw up my hands. “What do normal people even do all day?”
“Sounds like you need to figure a lot of things out, man. Good news is you’re loaded. You can afford to try out a different life for a little while and see how it goes. You can take a year off, and I’m sure everyone would be thrilled if you wanted to come back. Just don’t drag Honey into any of it until you’re sure about what you want.”
I sigh. “I was really hoping you’d tell me what to do.”
Asher smiles sadly. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all my fuck-ups, it’s that the idea of one right answer or one right path is a fucking myth, man. We’re all throwing sand against the wall and hoping something sticks. You’ve just been lucky enough that the sand you threw when you were eight stuck in a major way.”
“I have no idea what you just said, but it somehow makes perfect sense.”
Asher grins. “That’s why they call me the guru of good advice.”
“No one calls you that.”
His eyes literally twinkle, like he’s more myth than man. “But they really should.”
I back away from the entrance to the cave and plant myself between my sisters and Dell. “There’s no treasure here.”
We’re in a tight space with no way out. The only option I have is to defuse the situation and hope Dell goes away. I slide a hand into a pocket on my shorts and grip my pepper spray.
Obviously, I can’t use it in the cave, but it’s comforting to have it.