Page 96 of Seek and Cherish
“That would be best. We’ll lead the way to a safe location.”
One agent leads the way, while the second follows behind. Branches slap my face and legs as we walk, but I’m too happy about getting out of this damned forest to care.
Ahead on the trail, Bigfoot lumbers into view.
My whole body relaxes. “Jaxon?”
“That can’t be Jaxon.” Clover tenses and this time she’s gripping my arm too hard. “Asher flew out to LA to visit him this morning.”
My heart drops to my toes. “Are you saying that’s the real Bigfoot?”
I reach into my pocket and wrap my fingers around the pepper spray. I’m not sure it will do any good against a furry, mythical beast, but I’m not going down without a fight
Ahead of us, the security agent has paused. “Identify yourself.”
“Don’t shoot,” a female voice says. “I’m Lennox Carrington, a friend of Daisy Weston’s. Jaxon gave me the suit before he left. He asked me to come out here to help find Dani, Clover, and Honey. Is that who you are?”
“We are,” Dani says.
“Oh, good. Your sisters are very worried about you. Daisy called me when you weren’t home by sunset and she gave me a general idea of where you might be. Then Jaxon called and told me to get out here and rescue you. You’re actually really close to my house.” She leans around the security agent to wave at us. “I’m so glad I found you. Jaxon and your sister said there’s some scary guy who might be out here causing you trouble. I figured the suit would work to chase off anyone bothering you.”
“We left him in a cave,” Clover says. “But he could change his mind and come after us.”
“He’s more annoying than dangerous, but avoidance is probably the best policy,” I say.
“Okay then.” Lennox reaches up and turns on a massive head lamp that lights the area twenty times better than the security agents’ flashlights.
“It’s practically daylight.” Dani looks around in awe. “I’m going to have to tell Grant to get one of those.”
“My house is less than a mile away,” Lennox says. “I’ll lead.”
“We should return to the cave for the suspect,” the second agent says.
“We will stay with the women until they are safely back home and protected,” the first agent says, her tone barring any argument.
The first agent huffs, but doesn’t argue. We make our way through the forest all together, following Bigfoot.
“It’s a bad sprain.” Noah straightens from where he was bent over Clover’s ankle, diagnosing the injury. She’s laid out on the couch, looking much better after a night of sleep at Lennox’s house and more Ibuprofen for the pain. “I’ll wrap it up and bring you some ice.”
“Thanks.” She smiles sleepily up at him. “It’s really nice to have a doctor in the family.”
He gives Daisy a warm smile. “It’s good to be a part of the family.”
I shove my hands under my thighs and press my lips together tight. I’m dying to know what my sisters think about my con artist past, but we didn’t have the energy to talk last night or this morning - at least, Clover and Dani just chatted with Lennox and the security agents over sandwiches and headed right up to bed last night. This morning, we were all eager to get home.
Now, I’m in the couch room. The front room of the house that contains a couch for each of us sisters, since none of us wanted to give up our couch and none are planning to live here forever, except me.
Next to me is Dani. We showered at Lennox’s and put our dirty clothes back on, so we don’t smell great, but I don’t think our stink is truly what’s keeping Daisy and Goldy on the other side of the room and looking so worried.
Grant went into work to help look for Dell, who’s gone so missing even Jaxon’s entire security team can’t find him, and make sure he’s not still lost in the woods somewhere. Henry is fishing with his son.
It’s just us sisters as we watch Noah wrap Clover’s ankle.
“Honey.” Goldy reaches for Daisy’s hand and laces their fingers together. “We have bad news.”