Page 103 of Wait for You
Cam was… he was special… to me, and I wanted to go back in time, to Thanksgiving, and not have overreacted . I wanted to take back dropping astronomy and I wished I hadn’t avoided him. I wanted to not be that girl who did stupid, stupid things like that. I wanted Cam to smile at me like he used to.
He wasn’t smiling now, that’s for sure. “Come with me for a sec?”
I’d go anywhere with him.
Jumping up, I swayed as the room seemed to tilt to the side. “Whoa.”
His jaw clenched as he caught my arm. “You okay to walk?”
“Yes. Of course.” I took a step and bumped into Cam. I giggled at the doubtful look that crossed his face. “I’m okay.”
Cam shot Ollie a dark glare as he led me into the brightly lit kitchen, backing me up against the counter. He stood between me and the doorway, arms folded over his chest. “What are you doing, Avery?” he asked in a low voice.
I held up my bottle. “Drinking. What are you doing?”
His icy blue eyes narrowed. “That’s not what I’m getting at and you know that. What are you doing?”
Damn. Hello attitude. I tried to give Cam the bitch look Steph had mastered, screwing my face up until I’m sure I looked like I was having a seizure. I sighed and gave up. “I’m not doing anything, Cam.”
“You’re not?” He raised his brows. “You’re drunk.”
“Am not!”
He gave me a bland look. “A drunk’s famous last words before they fall flat on their face.”
“That has not happened… yet.”
Cam shook his head and then he grabbed my arm, pulling me back into the living room. I thought he was going to make me sit beside him or something, like I was in a time out, but he opened the front door and led me out into the chilly stairwell.
“Um…” Not what I was expecting.
“You need to go home, Avery.” He let go of my arm and pointed at my apartment door like I had no idea where I lived.
My mouth dropped open as I clenched the bottle to my chest. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. I’m fucking serious. You’re drunk and that shit is not going down in front of me.”
“What shit?” I took a step back, bewildered. “I’m sorry. Ollie invited me—”
“Yeah, and I’m going to kick his ass later.” Jaw set in a hard line, he ran his hand through his hair. “Just go home, Avery. I’ll talk to you later.”
The back of my throat burned. A thousand thoughts raced through my head as I stared at him. “You’re mad at me—”
“I’m not mad at you, Avery.”
Sure as hell didn’t seem that way. I shuffled side to side. “I don’t want to go home. There’s no one there and I…” I trailed off as the burn in my throat grew.
Cam drew in a deep breath, closing his eyes. “I’ll come over later and we’ll talk, okay? But go home. Please just go home.”
Chapter 24
I opened my mouth, but there was nothing I could say. Cam actually kicked me out of his apartment. He was begging that I go home. The burn encompassed my lungs now and red-hot tears pricked the back of my eyes.
“Okay,” I mumbled.
“It’s totally okay.” Turning away, I stumbled back up the hall and to my door. I heard his open and close before I could even open mine. Pressing my forehead against my door, I squeezed my eyes shut, but a tear snuck out, running down my flushed cheek.