Page 131 of Wait for You
“You’ll see.”
The secretive half smile had me on edge. It wasn’t until we hit I70 and I saw the sign did I know where we were going. I twisted toward him and in my excitement, I almost choked myself with the seatbelt.
Cam laughed.
“We’re going to D.C.? Aren’t we?” I exclaimed, practically bouncing in my seat.
He slid me a sly side look. “Maybe.”
“And we’re going to the Smithsonian, right?”
“Quite possibly.”
I flipped forward, clasping my hands together. “Why?” I blurted out. “I mean, I know history bores you, so why?”
“Why?” He laughed again as he messed with his baseball cap. “I told you that I’d go to the Smithsonian with you and I didn’t get to do it with you on your birthday, so I thought why not today?”
Why not today? That was one of the things I loved most about Cam. His ability to do things on the spur of the moment, no thought or plan behind them. He literally lived by the moment and nothing held him back, not even the trouble he’d gotten into, because he had moved past that.
Mainly because I knew he’d accepted what he’d done and the consequences of his actions. It may have taken him a few weeks after it happened, but he’d come to terms with it.
I admired that in him.
We spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening going from exhibit to exhibit. Cam seemed more interested in touching me and stealing kisses than what we were looking at and I was okay with that. I thought of the couples I’d watched last time and realized I had become one of them. It was so normal, so perfect. There was nothing different between us and them and I reveled in that.
It was late when we got home and since there were no classes on Thursday, we had the whole night. Buzzing from out impromptu trip, I dropped some of the stinky tortoise bites onto a little bowl and slipped it into Michelangelo’s home.
As I closed the lid on the terrarium, Cam came up behind me, placing his hands on my hips. He turned me around, and I stretched up, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Thank you for today,” I said, looping my arms around his neck. “I had a lot of fun.”
“I told you that my idea was great.”
“They usually are.”
“Holy shit.” His eyes widened in exaggerated surprise. “Did you just admit that?”
I grinned. “Maybe I did.”
“Uh-huh, you’ve always known my ideas hit a ten.”
“On a scale of 1 to 100, yes.”
“Ha. Ha.” His slid his hands up until they rested on my ribcage. “Guess what. Got another idea.”
“Does it involve eggs?”
A deep laugh burst from Cam and then he tugged my hips against his. “It doesn’t involve eggs.”
I had a good idea of what it involved. My stomach dipped. “It doesn’t?”
He shook his head. “But it does involve something equally tasty.”
My cheeks heated as I turned my head to the side.
His lips followed the movement, tracing my cheekbone. “And it involves you, me, a bed, and very little, if any, clothing.”
Tingles shot down my spine. “Does it now?”