Page 44 of Wait for You
Cam cast me a sideway glance. “I have been, almost every day since the end of August.”
On the other side of me, Brit squealed like she was a plush toy that was squeezed. “Since August?”
He nodded.
Brit turned wide eyes on me. “And you haven’t said a word?”
“I’m sort of offended,” Cam commented.
I elbowed him in the side. “No, you’re not. And it’s not like it’s everyone’s business.”
“But we’re your friends,” Jacob sounded so pitiful that I started to feel bad. He turned to Cam. “We totally support her going out with you.”
Okay. I didn’t feel bad for him.
“I like your friends, Avery.” Cam grinned at my arched look.
“Oh, we think she should,” Jacob said. “Like she should do it right now.
“We also told her you weren’t a serial killer,” Brit interjected.
Cam nodded. “That’s a glowing recommendation. Hey, at least he’s not a serial killer. I’m going to put that on my Facebook profile.”
I smirked.
Jacob was positively glowing. “And she compared you to Ted Bundy.”
“I hate you,” I muttered, pushing my hair back from my face. “I didn’t compare you to Ted Bundy. I just said that you never really know a person. Everyone thought Ted Bundy was a pretty cool guy.”
Cam stared at me, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “Wow. This just keeps getting better.”
“Sorry?” I said, fighting a grin.
He sighed, turning back to my friends. “She keeps turning me down. Breaks my little heart.”
I sighed. “He’s not being serious.”
“He looks serious,” Brit said, all doe-eyed as she stared at Cam. He’d roped her in, dammit.
Cam made the most pitiful sound known to man, and I rolled my eyes. “And now she thinks I’m the next Ted Bundy.”
“I don’t think you’re the next Ted Bundy.”
“Besides, she has the wrong hair color for Ted Bundy,” Brit said. We all looked at her. “What? Ted Bundy liked girls with brown hair parted down the middle. Avery’s hair is pretty red.”
“Am I the only person who finds it disturbing that you know that?” Jacob asked.
Brit’s lips pursed. “I’m a psych major. I know these kinds of things.”
“Uh-huh,” I murmured.
“Anyway, this is not about me and my vast knowledge of serial killers. I can wow you later about that. This is about you, Avery.” She grinned as I glared at her. “This fine young gentleman, who is not a serial killer, is asking you out. You’re single. You’re young. You should say yes.”
“Oh my God.” I scrubbed my hands over my hot face. “Is it time for all of you to go home, yet?”
Cam’s deep chuckle crawled under my skin. “Go out with me, Avery.”
Stunned, I turned to him. I couldn’t believe he’d actually ask me out in front of them after all of this. “No.”