Page 10 of Against Her Will

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Page 10 of Against Her Will

Jurek had nodded, his member already stiff and swollen just at the thought of breaking in a young woman who was that completely untouched. Well, pretty much, considering he had a very good idea of what Victor’s intake process was

So, when those fine little teeth of hers clamped down on his tongue, he drew back and struck her, only not where she expected. Cassie thought – belatedly - that he might slap her across the face. It would have been only the second time in her life that that had happened, all within the past day or so.

But instead he began to beat her breasts with his open palm. First one side then the other of the same breast, then switching to the other, bringing his hand down swiftly and cruelly in a horrible rhythm, deliberately aiming for her nipples, which he noticed were erect, despite – or maybe because of – the treatment they were receiving.

And then, when he had stung her breasts as if with a thousand angry bees, he flipped her over onto her stomach, moving so that he was sitting on her thighs - which would also serve to keep her legs from kicking up - and lit into her with something small and possibly wooden, although she couldn’t see it, that created an unsettling echo with each smack he delivered.

The implement he was using might have been physically smaller than the one the women had used on her yesterday, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. To the contrary, because it was smaller, and he had much more upper body strength than either of the matrons, it was much more painful than the corporal punishment she had had to endure yesterday.

And that was all she could do – endure it. With her lower body held down by his weight and her wrists tied to the headboard, there was nothing she could to do avoid even one of those crisp, biting swats. She couldn’t even lean away from them, because she couldn’t move enough to do so.

Eventually he moved down a bit more and began to incorporate the tops of her thighs in the punishment, too, which should have been a bit better than him going over the same territory all the time, but it wasn’t, because her skin there was even more sensitive, and he seemed to concentrate a lot in one spot – right where her butt became her thigh. That spot bore the brunt of her punishment.

Jurek made sure that this was an event that she wouldn’t soon forget. He knew the importance of making a solid first impression, and he intended that she would know that he wasn’t going to put up with any such nonsense. Later, he might punish her for his own amusement, but right now, she would probably be getting enough lickings just because she didn’t know the rules, and he wasn’t going to tell her any of them, either.

She would have to find out the hard way – and that was more than half of the fun for him.

He didn’t stop until her ass and thighs were an angry, cherry red, then he flipped her over and parted the legs he’d been holding closed while he spanked her, using his bulk against her to force her to comply, to let him gather up those legs over his elbows as he planted a hand to either side of her waist, poised with the throbbing head of his cock against the virginal entrance to her body.

Jurek began to press himself into her, and Cassie began to feel something down there tear painfully – much more so, even, than the way her behind was throbbing against the sheets. So she opened her mouth and began to scream again, only to find that same bolt of silk pressed past her lips and secured behind her head. Before she knew it, he was back in the same position, and she was totally helpless to even make the slightest of sounds of protest against what he did to her.

He violated her with excruciating slowness, enjoying every second of it, watching her head thrash uselessly back and forth as her body was forced to accept him, inch by painful inch, her legs held wide apart, wrists captured above her head as she felt him slipping something hard and unyielding inexorably inside her.

Finally the last barrier to his complete possession surrendered, and his hips met hers as he seated himself fully within her for the first time. Cassie was blubbering loudly from behind the gag, full of rage and incensed at what he was doing to her, crying helplessly at the pain and mortification.

And he didn’t stop there, as she had hoped. No, he withdrew, just as slowly and excruciatingly as he had entered, only to plunge himself inside her again, getting even deeper this time, rocking himself into her to the hilt then, it seemed, trying to get even further inside her.

“I’m going to make you pregnant,” he whispered as he thrust himself violently into her. “You’re going to be bred to me any time I want you, and believe me, that’s going to be as many times a day as I can manage until your breasts and belly have swollen with my seed.” He let her legs down and reached up to pinch one of her nipples hard. “Then you’re going to deliver that child and it’s going to be sold to the highest bidder, probably somewhere in the East, and I’m going to be on you again as soon as the doctor clears you so that you get caught as quickly as possible with another. And another. And another. You’re going to make me even richer than I already am.”

That scenario sounded horrifically familiar. It was what one of the girls from nearby Two Rivers had said her father did with the slaves when she was much younger. Cassie, of course, had no what the girl was talking about, no idea that that was what happened in those tiny slave shacks at the back of the plantation, and she wouldn’t have done anything to stop it even if she had known.

“You are going to be as permanently pregnant as I can possibly make you. You’re not going to even remember a time when you’re not. Your life is going to be popping out babies and servicing my every whim. And you better hope I never get tired of you, or I’ll have you put in with the regular girls, and you’ll be fucked by more men in a day than you can count, pregnant or not.”

Jurek lost it then, driving against her as his cock banged against her cervix, emitting an animalistic growl and exploding violently within her. When he finally rolled off her, he reached down and drew her legs up, forcing her to hold them up. “We’ve found that this position is beneficial in promoting conception. You keep my seed within you as long as you can. If I think you’re not trying to do that hard enough, I’ll take my belt to you.”

Cassie had no idea what he was talking about, yet she knew he wasn’t kidding about his threat to punish her for something she had no idea how to go about doing or not doing.

He reached over and removed her gag, then untied her arms and let her put them down. Jurek rose and offered her a sip of wine from an obviously expensive, ornate decanter kept on a small tea cart in the corner of the room. She tried to decline, but the look he gave her suggested that that might not be a good idea, and she reluctantly took a sip.

“Keep it,” he said when she tried to return the goblet to him. He had already gotten his own and rejoined her on the bed.

Cassie was quite thirsty, she realized after the wine hit her stomach, and she took another few gulps before realizing that she should have known better than to drink anything anyone in this place offered her. She was feeling strange – not as she had when the Count had slipped her whatever it was that had drugged her to sleep that fateful evening, but she still didn’t feel quite right. She leaned over and put the wine glass on the nightstand, but he picked it right up after her and handed it back to her.

“Finish this. Quickly. I want you again.”

More? Of that? She sincerely hoped not. Cassie began to wonder if she was just being paranoid. He was drinking from the exact same carafe as she was – and at about three times her rate – but he didn’t seem to be exhibiting any ill effects.

But she felt decidedly unsettled. It wasn’t her head or her stomach . . . it was her breasts and the area he had caused so much pain, she realized - the one everyone here seemed to be so interested in. Her breasts felt . . . itchy, almost, as if they desperately craved that she would run her hands over them, and perhaps even tweak her own nipples.

Appalled at where her own thoughts were leading, Cassie wanted to throw the glass away, to somehow rid herself of what she’d drunk already, but she knew he wasn’t going to allow that, and she wasn’t in any hurry to spend any more time getting her breasts or her bottom beaten. She could still feel her rear end stinging against the sheets even now.

She couldn’t stop herself from reaching back to rub it, and it felt so damned good that she nearly got lost in the sensations, until she felt him tap her glass.

“Drink up. Don’t make me say it again.” He saw where her hand had gotten to and smacked his palm down on her upturned breast, catching the still distended nipple with the tips of his fingers. “Don’t rub. Don’t touch yourself in any way. Your body no longer belongs to you. It is my property, and I prefer that you handle it as little as possible.”

If she hadn’t been so befuddled by whatever he had given her, Cassie would have been appalled. Not touch herself at all? How could one possible manage to do that?

But knowing there was nothing else she could do, Cassie downed the last of the wine, figuring it couldn’t make her feel much worse than she already did. And that was the crux of the problem, she realized suddenly. She didn’t feel worse. She didn’t feel bad at all, except for her backside, of course.

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