Page 8 of Against Her Will
And he was right. When she was finally off the table and on her feet, the guards approached her before she could gain her balance and lifted her off her feet with an arm under each of her shoulders, carrying her down a maze of corridors as the rooms off them got smaller and smaller. She was placed in the smallest of them all. It was barely big enough for the crude cot that she was deposited on, and there was only one other piece of furniture in the windowless room, a small, nondescript chair. Through the walls she could hear the misery of many other women, although it sounded as if their mournful weeping was being muffled, somehow.
The guards closed the door behind them but she had no illusions that they had left. She knew they were right outside. Lidiya moved Cassie to stand in front of the chair while Matushka lifted up the seat to reveal a big whole, under which a bowl had strategically been placed.
“Use it quickly, girl, and if you don’t you’ll soon wish you had.”
Cassie needed to go, there was no doubt about that, but to do so in front of two strangers? She wasn’t at all sure she could do it, but her body overruled her mind entirely, and she blushed a scarlet red as she did as she was bid.
Lidiya left with the bowl but returned quickly as Matushka ushered Cassie to the bed, sitting her down with a rough push on her shoulders, then spreading her limbs out again – like they had been in the examination room – so that she was spread and bound at wrist and ankle.
And then they left. Somehow being alone in this condition was much worse than even being with her tormentors, despite what they did to her. She had – against her own mental decrees – begged for them not to leave her, but they walked out the door as if they couldn’t hear a thing she was saying.
She was by herself for a very long time as the day descended into pitch black darkness. Even in the country, where she had lived, there some lamps or candles remained lit in the house, and there was always the familiar sounds of slaves stirring or singing or cattle lowing. But here it was completely and utterly silent; she couldn’t even hear the lamentations of the other women any more. They must’ve drifted off to sleep, but she wasn’t anywhere near that lucky.
And she became even unluckier when, in the middle of the night when she was still wide awake, she heard someone open the door of her room. It was a dark figure with no face who walked slowly towards her, and Cassie became so frightened that although she opened her mouth wide, she couldn’t even scream. She had no idea what this entity was going to do to her, but she couldn’t imagine that it would be good.
And then she saw it bend a bit, and felt probing fingers land on the spot that everyone here seemed most concerned with – right between her legs, which she was powerless to close. Although she tugged mightily at her bonds, she didn’t succeed in closing her legs even the slightest bit, nor freeing her hands.
She found herself touched in very much the same manner as the Count had before he’d left her; they’d both unerringly found her most vulnerable point and proceeded to take advantage of it. Whoever it was that was molesting her had already lubricated his fingers with something, so that they glided in the most frighteningly delicious manor over the ever burgeoning scrap of flesh beneath them, only this time there was no respite from the molestation in the least. Those big fingers just continued to swirl around and up and over the top of her, then parting to go down around each side, then back up over the top in a never ending rhythm that had her much more upset than having the paddle taken to her had made her. She didn’t want to feel such things in the middle of a horrible situation like this, and she couldn’t understand why her body was all of a sudden so blasted hard to control!
This felt good. But she knew it was bad and shameful and a sin. Her mother had told her about that when she had had her first woman’s time, and had told her that she would roast in the fiery pit of Hell if anyone or anything besides her bloomers had any contact with that area of her body except for necessary cleaning.
Cassie had been pretty much wholly unaware of its power, which was right now being demonstrated to her in the most dramatic of ways. She had always thought she had pretty much full command of her life – despite her gruff father’s occasional attempts at reigning her in - over pretty much anything that happened to her, but she was learning quickly that that was no longer true in so many ways. Apparently, with the right touch, her body could be forced into betraying her entirely. She realized abruptly that she wasn’t panting because she was afraid any more. She was panting because of what was being done to her, how that delicate spot was being manipulated, and the delicious feelings that those strange fingers were causing. She had absolutely no ability to deny her own responses which brought her sense of shame to a fever pitch, right along with the rest of her.
She was entirely unprepared for what happened next. The apparition leaned down and suckled – only briefly – at each of her distended nipples, like an infant drawing out his mother’s milk, and the bolt of pleasure that that cause to run rampant through her body had her trying unsuccessfully to arch off the bed, which only presented that eager mouth the opportunity to conquer even more of her delicate flesh.
And then, seconds later, he and his magic fingers were gone as quietly as they had come, and she was left, ignorant and aching and crying, alone again in the darkness.
Cassie did finally fall asleep near dawn, but it felt like mere minutes later when the Count appeared, hovering above her bed, much as the apparition in the middle of the night had.
“Time to get up. You have things to do.”
The same two women were there, behind him, and they put her through much the same routine – minus the horrific examination – but they scrubbed her yet again, using a wonderfully fragrant soap and adding some lavender oil to her bath which left her skin – what there was of it after they’d cleaned her to their specifications.
Every inch of her was again lotioned with the expensive smelling cream, then her hair was washed, dried and brushed till it shown as it never had before.
She was then given a light breakfast of bread and milk, which Matushka spent her time chiding her for eating too quickly, but she was hungry. And Cassie intended to do whatever she could to keep her strength up. She did her best to try to spot a possible opportunity for escape, but there were none.
After breakfast her hands were washed and she was carried by the ever present guards to another area of the building that seemed a lot different than the one from which she had come. Here the rooms were much larger – at least the doors were much further apart – and there was a large common room at the center. There were three men lounging there with drinks already this morning who perked up as soon as Cassie came into sight, but she was – thankfully – just paraded past them. None of them was allowed to touch her, although the whistles and catcalls were bad enough.
There were no corridors at the other end of the lounge area, just one door which they went through. It lead to a room that was among the most finely appointed that Cassie had ever seen – its furnishings were much better than anything in existence at Two Rivers. There was even a small dining area complete with a gilt table and chairs, and expensive artwork hung from every wall. There were windows – albeit small ones – in this room that were hung with heavy tapestried drapes of what she would have bet were of the finest silk damask available.
But she was carried through all of that to another door that had a sign on it in a language she didn’t recognize. Cassie was put down on her own two feet finally, and was immediately much too concerned with what was being done to her than any old sign or furniture.
In unison, as if it was a long practiced routine, the two women bound her wrists in front of her while the Count forced a blindfold over her eyes, tying it tightly behind her. And before she could register a protest, which she intended to do loud and clear, she found a silk scarf stuffed into her mouth so that she nearly choked on it, then another over it, tied very tightly behind her head, so that she had no choice but to keep it in.
She could hear someone turn the doorknob and one of the guards – who she recognized by his sheer bulk - lifted her off the ground again, carrying her in to a room whose purpose she didn’t recognize until she was laid down on an extremely comfortable mattress – unlike the one she’d spent the night on last night.
Before she could roll off it, someone brought her already bound hands up over her head to slip them into some sort of hook or something so that she couldn’t then get them back from.
The Count crouched by the bedside, saying, as he pulled the sheet all the way up and over her head, “The man in the bed next to you is Jurek. He’s still asleep, and might remain so for a while, if you’re quiet. You should obey him as you forced Sissy to obey you – I can assure you the consequences of not doing so will be only somewhat the same.”
Then she was alone again, in the dark but this time for a different reason, unable and unwilling to make a sound, hoping against hope that whoever it was that they had put her next to on the bed could be reasoned with, perhaps even persuaded to help her get away from this nightmare of a place.
She didn’t know how long it took for him to wake – but it was not at all long enough as far as she was concerned. She began to hear him stretching slowly at first, turning over and getting another few minutes of sleep before he moved again, and an arm was flung over her midsection, causing her to emit a very unladylike “ooof” at its sheer mass, which only served as a wakeup call to the man beside her.
“What have we here?” His deep bass voice rumbled its way into her ears and her mind. “Someone has left me a present.”
She could feel him tugging at the sheet, and as soon as it had made its way down to her shoulders, she felt him sit bolt upright. Then she heard the sound of a lamp being lit as he proceeded to remove the rest of the sheet, exposing every inch of her to his avid gaze.