Page 151 of Dirty Lawyer
A few minutes later, we’re standing on the sidewalk with Lauren, Royce, and Savage. “One of our men is following Debbie,” Royce says. “She hasn’t returned my calls, which means we’ll approach her today in person.”
It’s not grand news, but Reese and I both accept it, and he departs in a vehicle with Savage as I leave with Lauren and Royce. “How are you holding up?” Lauren asks, sitting in the backseat with me. “I read your article.”
“What did you think?”
“That you’re a badass pregnant princess who takes no shit from anyone.”
I laugh. “Pregnant Princess. I’ll take that description and right now, I’m perfect. I’m excited about confirming the pregnancy. I’m excited about telling Reese on his birthday. I’m going to set Debbie aside and embrace that feeling.”
We chat and Royce parks in front of the building where my doctor has his office. He leaves the black SUV he’s driving idling and walks us to the door. “I’ll park and be right up.”
“You don’t have to do the waiting room thing with me,” I say. “In fact, please don’t. I feel like Reese would feel weird knowing that and I’d tell him. I’d have to tell him.”
His jaw clenches but he nods. “I’ll wait in the lobby.”
“Better, I guess,” I say. “Thank you.”
“Good luck,” he replies.
Lauren and I step into the elevator and she links her arm with mine. “This is it. You’re about to get the pregnancy stamp.”
I laugh. “Yes. I suppose I am.”
I’m smiling as we walk into the office, and it’s not long before I’m peeing in a cup and giving blood. I sit on the table and I wait and wait, to the point that I stand up in my gown and pace, despite the gap in the back where my ass is hanging out. The door opens, and I fold my arms in front of me. “Well?”
“You are indeed pregnant,” Anna, the nurse practitioner says. “Congratulations.”
I tear up. “Oh my God. Thank you. How far along?”
“Let’s do an exam and we’ll estimate a due date.”
Thirty minutes later, I find out that I’m five weeks pregnant, have samples of prenatal vitamins and set an appointment to come back again. I exit to the lobby and the minute Lauren sees me she squees and hugs me. “YAY! You are going to be such a good mom.”
“Thank you, but now, I just want to get to court and watch my baby’s father kick butt.”
“Agreed,” she says, and we exit to the hallway to find Royce standing there.
And while Royce always looks gruff and rough and hard, there’s an edge about him. “What?” I breathe out. “What is wrong?”
“Everyone is safe,” he says. “But Debbie showed up at the building.”
“What building?” Lauren asks before I can.
“This one,” he says, and the message is clear. She came here for me. And coming for me means coming for me and my baby now, and that is not acceptable, nor is it something I will take without fighting.
Chapter sixty-three
Itake just a moment to digest Royce standing in front of me telling me that Debbie followed me to my doctor’s office but only for a minute, if that. I’m done with emotions. I’m ready to fight. “Where is she now?” I ask.
“The man I had following her stopped her from entering the building. He’s presently working on setting up a meeting with her.”
“I want to talk to her,” I say.
“You are not talking to her,” Lauren states. “She’s crazy. She’s stalking you now.”
“Or she’s trying to freak me out and get a fast payout,” I say. “I’m not letting her think it’s working. It’s not.” I look at Royce. “Do not tell Reese until after court tonight.”