Page 164 of Dirty Lawyer
“Reid’s made her a small offer,” Reese says. “I’m counting on him ending this.”
Savage hands the photo back to Reese. “In a rare move for me, I’ll hold my thoughts until we’re in the company of Royce.”
Reese takes the photo and hands it to me. I suck in a breath and open it, reading the words written across the surface. I hate the word “cheater,” scrawled over his image, not because I don’t trust Reese, but because it just feels bad, like our perfect relationship, and it is perfect, is being questioned by the world. It shouldn’t matter what others think, and it really doesn’t, but it still twists me in knots.
I shove the photo back in the envelope. “I want this to end.” I look at Reese. “But I do not want to reward someone for this behavior with money. Part of me really just wants to write about this, Reese. It ends this. We take control. We handle the blow. I go back to the money I could make. I’ll go to my publisher, pitch a book about it and we can take the payout to invest in the firm, to offset any damage.”
“There’s no guarantee she goes away,” he says. “We don’t know her mental health.”
“Someone else is helping her,” I say, rejecting that idea. “There’s no other way she found me today. It has to be about money. We take away the payout, and they move on.”
“Let’s wait and see what Royce and Reid have to offer.”
“I’m here you know,” Savage reminds us.
“You and Royce are one,” Reese says, to which Savage murmurs something incomprehensible.
Reese tunes him out, rotating to face me. “I’m going to make this go away. I promise.”
I cover his hand with mine. “We’re going to make it go away. You and me.”
He brushes his lips over mine, but there is a shift in him, an edginess, that defies the delicateness of the kiss. I know this man. When he’s on edge, he needs certain things, he needs me. As if reading my mind, he presses his lips to my ear. “I need you alone,” he whispers. “Really damn badly.”
“Soon,” I promise as my cellphone rings.
Reese presses his forehead to mine and then breathes out as if the interruption is an unwelcome reminder of the here and now, but he kisses my temple and says, “Take your call.”
I grab my phone to find Lauren’s number. “Hey,” I say.
“I’m meeting you at your apartment. I have your meds. I’m sorry it took me so long. I had a client with a crisis. What’s happening?”
“We’re pulling up to the apartment now. I’ll explain upstairs. And thank you on the meds.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few.”
We disconnect and as soon as we pull up to the door Savage says, “Don’t move. My man is taking the car and I’m coming around to get you.”
Reese takes my hand, and we are quickly ushered inside where Royce is waiting by the elevator. “The judge on my case received this,” Reese says, handing him the envelope. We step into the elevator and Royce glances at the contents once we’re there, but says nothing. Despite my urgency to hear his opinion, I like this about Royce. He’s discreet. He won’t say anything in a place that could have a camera.
And so I endure the elevator ride and walk to the apartment. We’re just heading inside when Lauren comes running down the hall. “I’m here.” She holds up a bag. “I have the meds.”
Reese opens the door and lets Royce, Lauren, and Savage, inside, but holds me back just inside the hallway. “How do you feel?”
“Right now, I’m okay,” I say, “and I hope that means it’s over.”
He presses me against the wall. “Cat, we need to make an agreement right now. If Royce believes you’re in danger, I need you to go to the ranch, and take Savage along for the ride.”
“My job is to cover this trial and even if it wasn’t, I’m not leaving you with a crazy woman stalking you.”
“Sweetheart, we’re going to fight over this and I’m going to win. That’s just how it is.”
“You don’t get to say that’s how it is. I’m going through this, too. And we don’t even know what’s happening with her and Reid or even what Royce’s assessment is.”
His hands go to the wall beside my head. “I’m going to win on this, Cat. I don’t do this to you often. I don’t want or need to win with you, ever, until now. Because I love you, you will do this if Royce thinks it’s best. Because you love me, you will do it.”
His voice is hard, and yet it radiates with emotion. He’s coming out of his skin, I realize now. He’s really worried, beyond just trying to be cautious. I press my hands to his face. “Let’s go talk to Royce, then you and I will talk.”
He covers my hands. “You understand that I—”