Page 177 of Dirty Lawyer
“How many of the people who cried when they were given news of the death were responsible for the homicides?”
“I would say at least forty percent.”
“Thank you,” Reese says. “I’m done with the witness.”
Milton stands up. “Redirect, your honor?”
The judge nods and Milton turns to the officer once more, “Did Ms. Warren give you any other reason, outside of her emotional withdrawal, to suspect her guilt?”
“She was confused about where she’d been during certain hours,” Officer Marks states. “We needed a solid alibi and at the time she didn’t give me one.”
The prosecutor sits down. Reese stands up. “Judge? Two more questions?”
“One, counselor.”
Reese doesn’t argue. He focuses on the officer. “Is it normal to be confused when you are in shock?” Reese asks.
“Yes,” Officer Marks replies.
I let out a breath. Reese nailed that witness and the morning passes with Reese wiping the floor with the prosecutor over and over. Finally, the last witness before the break: Martha. The secretary. She approaches the stand, a pretty brunette not much older than forty, if that. Milton, the prosecutor starts out hard and fast. “How long did you work for the deceased?”
“Three years.”
“How many times did you hear Ms. Warren say she hated her father in that time?”
“At least half a dozen.”
“When was the last time you heard Ms. Warren say that she hated her father?”
“The day before Mr. Warren died,” Martha states.
“Who was she speaking to?”
“Him. She came to the office and shouted it at him.”
“How did he react?” Wicker asks.
“He shut his door. He didn’t come out for hours. That’s how he handled stress.”
The softball questions that all aim to make Dana look like a spoiled brat go on for forty minutes. Finally, again, Reese approaches and he wastes no time digging in. “Did you ever sleep with Mr. Warren?”
Her eyes go wide and Milton stands up. “Objection. Relevance?”
Reese looks at him and arches a brow. “You don’t know what this witness having a personal relationship with the deceased has to do with this?”
The judge gavels his desk to death. “Enough.”
“Judge, I’ll get to the point quickly.”
“You better,” he says.
Reese refocuses on Martha. “Did you have a sexual relationship with the deceased, Mr. Warren?”
“I did not,” she lies.
“You do know you’re under oath, correct?” Reese asks.