Page 45 of Dirty Lawyer
“I’m making time. I can’t go anywhere until we know where I’m going anyway.” He points to Newt. “Let him set this up.”
“Okay.” I look at the other man. “Hi, Newt.”
“Nice to meet you, Cat. I’ll need identification.”
I fill out a form and show him my driver’s license, during which time Reese has his hand resting on my back. It’s during this stop that a prickling sensation forms on my neck, like I’m being watched, we’re being watched. Thankfully, the security process is quick, and in a matter of three minutes, we’re walking through the main lobby.
The slight tensing in Reese’s grip around my hand tells me he feels it, too. We head toward the front of the building, and a glimpse to the right toward the bar shows it to be packed. Reese must follow my attention, because he answers my unasked question. “Sunday Night football is also big here.”
“Do you ever join in?”
“Never. I like football, but in my own living room, and not for a few years. I never have time. What about you? Are you a football lover?”
“I follow along, mostly to cheer for the team going up against my brother’s love, the Giants. The Cowboys will work just fine for me.”
He laughs and holds the door for me. I exit into a gust of cold wind, as what is clearly our first cold front of the year is in full force. “Oh God,” I say, trembling and hugging myself as Reese joins me. “What happened out here?”
He slides his arm around me. “Winter is coming.” He points to a black Escalade. “That should be Royce.”
We hurry in that direction, and Royce rolls down a window just long enough to confirm he’s the driver. Reese ushers me forward and opens the door. I climb inside and all the way over. “How’s Lauren?” I ask, as Reese joins us and shuts the door.
“Sick, and everyone that is normally close to her is out of town,” replies Royce.
“Even Julie?” I ask of his brother’s wife, who is a friend of mine, and darn near a sister to Lauren.
“She and Luke went to Paris on business they plan to turn into pleasure. Kara and Blake are meeting us at the airport to travel with Reese to get his client.”
“Oh. Well, you want to just drop me there and I can stay with her?”
“Already planning on it,” he says, glancing in the mirror at me. “Because I assumed your concern.”
“I think I just got rolled over, but it’s acceptable,” I say. “I love her, too.”
“I know that,” he says, and he glances at Reese. “Vermont.”
Reese follows his lead instantly. “Nelson went to his place in Vermont?”
“We assume,” Royce says. “He hasn’t landed, but his wife arrived there this morning. I’d bet my right hand, and I really fucking like my right hand, that he’s going there.”
“They both have to be in court next week,” Reese says. “What the hell are they thinking?”
“Let’s hope they don’t plan a jump to another country,” Royce says, pulling us into traffic. “However, at this point, I’d bet my left hand she’s your killer.”
“And what better way to take attention off yourself, but to bait your husband into looking guilty as sin,” I provide.
“Exactly,” Royce says. “Even Lauren, who was on the boyfriend team, has come around. In between throwing up.”
“That bad, huh?” I ask.
“Yeah,” Royce says, “That bad, which is why I’ll be staying here. Blake and Kara are a kickass team. A pain-in-the-ass team, but kickass nonetheless. And Blake is the one who’s been hacking a trail on these two.”
“Anything else on that?” Reese asks.
“Not yet,” Royce says. “But Blake and Kara feel like if they can pick your brain, and even meet your client and his wife, they will close in on the answers.”
“The silver lining to this fuck-up,” Reese says. “Yeah. I’m in. I’ll talk their fucking ears off if they can help.”
We turn onto the street where the Walker family owns a small building they remodeled as home and offices, and Royce glances in the mirror at me again. “I can’t promise how late I’ll be. You can have our spare bedroom if you want for the night.”