Page 114 of Lead Us To Temptation
He has to be messing with me. He has to be.
“My job here is done.”
“Job?! Is that all I was to you was just some task you had to complete?!”
Lucifer remained silent.
Lucifer walked back towards the door, and when he reached it he turned his back to me,
“I’m sorry Catalina.”
I grabbed the coffee pot off the counter and threw it at him. I missed by half an inch. I watched as the glass shattered across the floor in front of him as Lucifer spread his dark wings and flew away.
I backed up against the nearest wall and slowly felt myself sliding down until I was on the ground. I thought after last night that things would be different. He told me everything was going to be okay. He told me I was worth fighting for. He said all the right things-
People like Lucifer will say and do anything if it means getting what they want in the end.
Gabriel’s words replayed in my head over and over again.
What did he want though?
I brought my knees to my chest and just sat there for a while. Trying to figure out exactly what Lucifer could have wanted.
We hadn’t slept together and he never once even pressured me for anything and it wasn’t like I was a pure soul to take either. So what the hell did he want? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I woke up in my bed at Gabriel’s house.
It was just a dream. A bad dream.
He was still here. Still somewhere around the house. I climbed out of the bed and raced into the living room.